Primalbase Birthday Giveaway

Primalbase Team
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2018

It’s been an incredible first year for Primalbase.

In 2017, we set out to build something entirely new for the tech community — a global network of physical spaces where developers, researchers and entrepreneurs could make their ideas reality. We wanted to create a community in which people were motivated and empowered to share ideas and work together on projects. A community in which everyone is rowing in the same direction — towards technological progress.

It’s been a long road and it’s not always been easy, but we’ve learned a lot and met some amazing people along the way. Today, we have thriving hubs in Amsterdam, Berlin, and London — with more set to open in New York and Singapore before the year is out — and we believe we are well on course to meeting our goals.

When we were considering how best to celebrate our first birthday, it was clear that we should do something to give back to our community — to reward the huge role you play in building the kind of collaborative, welcoming ecosystem that we believe will further the cause of emerging technologies and make the world a better place.

We decided that the best way to do this would be to donate four PBT tokens to a startup using tech to make the world a better place — a startup chosen by you. And you didn’t disappoint, with a flood of nominations for worthy causes around the world.

Our panel of judges has spent a long time whittling the list down, and it was an incredibly difficult task finding the four companies we thought would benefit most from access to our spaces and our collaborative community. However, we finally have our shortlist!

We’ve got four amazing organisations and we need YOU to help us choose who will win this incredible prize! We’ve run down the four companies below. Have a read, then help do some good by voting for your winner here.


Access to banking facilities is a major problem keeping many around the world in poverty, with 2.5 billion people lacking the access to banking facilities that many of us take for granted.

Zingr is a new digital payment platform for these ‘unbanked’ individuals, offering a digital solution to the traditional current account. Users can send and receive P2P payments quickly and securely — opening up a level of access to financial tools that people would not otherwise be in a position to utilise.

The extortionate fees associated with existing digital transfer services hit these unbanked users hardest, so Zingr has stepped in to address this problem. Remittance payments use blockchain technology to help reduce the cost of cross-border payments, while innovative machine learning and AI tools help users gain valuable insights into their spending habits. Not only this, but the Social and Digital KYC opens up the possibility of anyone obtaining an online identity.

The scope for these tools is immense, and can act to address the financial services disparity that billions of people are faced with every day.

ReDI School

A non-profit digital school set up in Germany specifically for refugees. Not only does it offer students top quality training in a range of digital fields, it also affords them opportunities to meet and collaborate with major players from the startup and digital communities.

They are growing fast, with Cisco recently coming on board as one of their partners. ReDI has also opened up a learning space in Munich, and supplies students with a laptop, somewhere to work, and puts on various meetups throughout the year.

Bringing together students eager to learn, and providing them with an environment that fosters collaboration makes ReDI an exciting part of the German tech scene.

Is Tech For Me?

Is Tech For Me? is a UK-based initiative which has set out to ensure that young people feel empowered to pursue careers in technology and entrepreneurship. These are the future movers and shakers that we want to welcome into the Primalbase offices in the coming years.

One of the current projects from this initiative is focusing on getting more women into the technology industries. Research has shown that women make up only 17% of the IT and technology sectors in the UK, and the people at Is Tech For Me? are on the front lines of addressing this gender imbalance.

Apis Token

Causing a buzz in the tech community, Apis Token brings blockchain to the world of bees. This exciting platform allows users to participate in the world of beekeeping by offering signature tokens that allow for the adoption of beehives.

Bee conservation is a hugely important issue. The pollination carried out by bees is essential to crop production, and reports that their populations of the essential insect are falling around the world would have grave consequences. As not many people are in a position to take a direct role in managing beehives, Apis Token allows nature lovers in any part of the world to contribute to this cause.

Once users have bought tokens and adopted one or more hives, they then have the option to develop a personal honey web shop, and trade the honey products that their very own bees produce.

Voting is now open! Head over to the survey and tick the box by your favourite nominee. Voting closes on Tuesday 6th November and we’ll be announcing the results on Wednesday 7th November across our social media platforms. Stay tuned and happy voting!



Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.