Primalbase June Report

Primalbase Team
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2018

June — Long days, short nights and a lot of hard work as we push towards our goals.

Time continues to fly and it’s hard to believe another month has passed. This June report marks the halfway point for 2018, which means we still have six more months to fulfill our goal of opening five Primalbase offices before the end of the year. With Amsterdam and Berlin already in full swing, London in preliminary construction mode, and New York and Singapore in advanced stages, we are confident we will follow our timeline.

We are also working hard on our technical releases, as well as strengthening our ecosystem and growing the community. We want to thank you for your support and understanding as we continue our exciting journey. We welcome your suggestions and feedback and will always take them into consideration. We are already eagerly looking forward to next month’s report (July) as there are some newsworthy matters that we are currently on the verge of closing, but time ran out just before reaching this months report. So to be continued!


Primalbase AMS
The last month has been extremely productive for the Primalbase Amsterdam office, with a great deal of activity.

To start, as mentioned last month, we had a whole new access and control security system installed. This is now fully operational and access to the Primalbase AMS office requires a special card, increasing both security and ease-of-use for our community.

We also hosted some great events. In the first week of June we held The Big Blockchain Race for Commercialisation, an event from Waves which was organised by our partners at Binary District. We saw fascinating presentations by Sasha Ivanov, the founder and CEO of Waves Platform, and Sven Stam, CTO of ‘Legal Things’. It is always interesting to hear experts’ expectations of blockchain’s development and commercial adoption, and to see our community engage so positively with these meetups.

Speaking of events, in July we are looking forward to hosting even more. Check out our website and social media channels for more information about the upcoming events. We hope to see you there!

Lastly, as many of you undoubtedly know, the FIFA World Cup is well underway in Russia. For the last couple of Fridays we have enjoyed watching some exciting games of football (or soccer for the Americans among you) on the big screen with some of our token holders and tenants. What’s better than enjoying a cold beer, some snacks and a game of football after a hard day’s work, right? As the World Cup progresses and work permits, we plan to watch more games at the office. For all you football fans, we hope to see you here to watch a game with us!

Primalbase BER
In June, Primalbase Berlin welcomed several token holders from different parts of the world. It’s great to see that the word is spreading! We had fascinating conversations with people as far afield as Brazil and Japan. As a global community, we’re always keen to hear how different regions are experiencing emerging technologies and get feedback on what they’re looking for from a workspace.

The local team, meanwhile, focused on finalising the decorative items within the office, including a small ‘offline’ Blockchain and Cryptocurrency library — please come over to check it out. After May’s excellent ‘Bitcoin Channels’ with guest speaker Joshua Lind, we had a bit of a break from events, but we are hosting more than 5 Binary District meetups and workshops over the next month. These include “Master Workshop: Off the chain” over the weekend of June 30th/July 1st, where more than 25 leading blockchain experts will lead discussion on state channels as a viable form of scalability. Make sure to keep an eye on their events calendar to stay up to date.

Primalbase LDN
The London office is coming along and it is set to be our biggest yet. It will also most likely be our highest yet too, situated on the 32nd Floor — daily stunning views guaranteed! This is a big space and as a result, this was a level up in preparation for our planned construction. Furthermore the local regulation, legislation and legal required more work than we originally anticipated but we are glad to report that we have now passed this point.

At the time of writing, we have completed the preliminary construction phase and are moving into the actual construction phase. We are planning to organise a “hard-hat-tour” in month or so (please don’t pin us down on exact timings), so you will be able to follow construction live.

We received a lot of questions about our floorplan. Please find below our provisional ideas for our floorplan. It contains big, medium and snug offices as well as several boardrooms, a communal kitchen, shared desks, several lounge areas and a good-sized auditorium.

Primalbase NYC & Primalbase SIN
For our location in New York (Brooklyn), we are near to finalising the deal. We are very eager to share more information with you about the exact location and other relevant specs, but unfortunately we must ask for patience as we progress through the negotiation and administrative processes. They take a great deal of time and can be unpredictable, but know that we are doing everything within our power to drive things forward and get you a beautiful new office in the Big Apple. We are making real ground and we are confident that if everything goes as planned, our community will certainly not be disappointed with our choice of location!


Our team is still working on Primalbase 2.0 with leasing functionality. Currently, we are moving in line with our sprints schedule, without delays and our focus is on delivering it by the end of Q3 in several stages: mvp, beta and stable release.



June saw Primalbase offices play host a number of events organized by our exclusive partner, Binary District. These included ‘The big blockchain race for commercialisation’ which took place in Amsterdam on 6 June. The always insightful Sasha Ivanov, the visionary CEO of the Waves Platform, took the stage to explore the true potential of blockchain technology and its place in a commercial environment. He’s quite the presence and always draws a crowd. He was joined by Sven Stam, CTO, LegalThings, who gave a fascinating talk on Blockchain for decentralized workflow.

The next month is much busier, with events coming thick and fast. We are hosting several meetups at both our Amsterdam and Berlin locations. Primalbase BER will see leading researcher Dionysis Zindros lead a discussion on how cross-chain transfers are built and the conditions required for creating such sidechains on 5 July, while on 28 July it will host two Big Data events focused on data in product management and Automatic Speech Recognition. Be sure to stop by as many as you can as the speakers are always leading the way at the cutting edge of emerging technologies, and it’s a great excuse for those who have yet to snoop around our offices to do so. And there’s usually wine and delicious canapes. To view the full calendar of events visit our website, where more are being added regularly. Alternatively, if you want to be updated straight to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter.


We are still looking for talented people to join our team at Primalbase’s headquarters in Amsterdam. If you recognise yourself in one of the job descriptions below and would like to receive more information, please send an application to

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Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.