Primalbase Leasing Journey

Primalbase Team
Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2018

The past year has been a hectic one over at Primalbase, as we strive to build physical spaces where the tech community can work, learn and grow. We’ve introduced new locations and new faces, overcoming many unforeseen challenges along the way. However, arguably one of the most exciting development has finally arrived — the long-awaited unveiling of the beta version of our platform and the Primalbase Lease Market.

Improving Flexibility For Our Members

For our workspaces to really flourish, it is important that they have that buzz — that energy that comes when people who are passionate and excited about what they are doing come together to create, build and break things.

To create this atmosphere, our workspaces need a constant flow of developers, researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs, all of them bringing new ideas and new skill sets. They need the discussion that this brings, the sharing of ideas and experiences to find creative solutions to logjams.

The Primalbase Lease Market is central to ensuring our workspaces are constantly busy and thus achieving this atmosphere. As a result, building it has been our top priority over the last year. We know this has been something our members have been really looking forward to, and we would like to thank everyone involved for their patience and support. As with any new technology, it hasn’t been as smooth sailing as we would have liked, but after a lot of hard work and long nights, we have got there!

The Benefits

The Primalbase Lease Market is something completely new for both coworking and blockchain. It is a part of our booking platform which allows Primalbase members — token holders — to lease out their tokens (memberships) when they are not using them, providing the flexibility that makes membership of our community so valuable.

The Lease Market allows anybody who owns ETH to lease a desk in one of our network of shared workspaces using our booking platform. They gain access to a premium office in major tech hubs around the world. They gain access to a place where they are surrounded by top tech talent and the most exciting projects in the industry. They can also find bargains because token holders sett their own leasing rates and our algorithm will automatically provide you with the best price. They will not have to deal with any admin, deposits or notice periods.

Token holders, meanwhile, are still able to access any of our workspaces whenever they want. However, on those days or weeks when they’re off travelling, working from home or even on their holidays, they can now put their token up on the Lease Market for someone else to use so it doesn’t go to waste, while getting the bonus of some additional income. It also ensures that there is always a vibrant community in our offices and people get a taste of how our offices work so they too may sign up to be full members in the future. It is also secure, as tokens can’t be leased out to more than one person at the same time and the person who is leasing it cannot assume full control of the token.

A Long Journey

This has been a long road and there were elements we had initially planned that we found were actually better handled another way. For example, we originally promised direct leasing, but after conducting analysis and taking into account the current situation with occupation rates, we wanted to find a better way to implement what we promised. A direct leasing implementation is under review for us, but the results of our attempts so far were not user-friendly enough. Moreover, direct leasing puts too much emphasis on token holders themselves in terms of promotion.

And we are not yet at the end of our journey. We believe the Lease Market is easy to use and an efficient way of booking flexible workspace, but we are always looking to build on and improve the site. We’re relentlessly testing it, and will continue adding to its functionality, and we need all the feedback we can get from users to continue improving it–so we can create the community that our members deserve. It may eventually turn into a platform which supports different ways of leasing: from sharing with someone directly for free to direct p2p leasing.

We are living proof that blockchain is more than a complicated footnote in the world of technology. We used it to build the world’s most forward-thinking workspace. We are showing that it can be adapted to the mainstream. At the same time, we’re providing a platform for others to seize the opportunities presented by blockchain and other new technologies. We hope you can be part of this journey.

This is just the beginning. There is so much more to come.



Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.