Primalbase May Report

Primalbase Team
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2018

May — We continue to hurtle towards our goal of building a global tech community that can work and collaborate anywhere in the world they should need.

As with any start-up, we are experiencing the occasional growing pains and setbacks, but we are facing them head-on and overcoming challenges through passion, drive and determination. Every so often we encounter external pushback from the forces of tradition — legacy powers who wonder what this ‘new kid on the block’ Primalbase is all about. We are and have been dealing with this since our inception. But it is our mission to help them better understand the new technologies involved and get them on board.

We hope this understanding leads to less bumps in the road and accelerates our timelines on multiple fronts. Please stand with us in this process and have a read through what May brought us.


Biko de Koning — International Finance Manager

Biko de Koning, the most recent addition to our team, is a performance-oriented and ambitious financial specialist with a strong sense of responsibility and a healthy dose of natural enthusiasm. His corporate background includes working in several financial roles for international corporations such as AlterDomus Group and KKCG Group. As International Finance Manager, Biko will ensure that Primalbase complies with its statutory requirements and will also be responsible for the analysis, reporting and optimization of the financial processes for Primalbase and its international entities. Biko will be working from our Head Office in Amsterdam.
A quote to which Biko strongly can relate to:

‘’ Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work ‘’ — Aristotle


Primalbase AMS
The last couple of weeks has seen a great deal of construction work take place in the AMS office, with beautiful new window frames installed — so we can hopefully enjoy our lovely view over ‘t IJ again soon!

We have been looking into a new access and control security system, which will make it a lot easier for our token holders and tenants to enter the office. More about that next month!

We also organised the second Primalbase Academy. The academy was set-up primarily to update the team on the latest developments, but it also provides a space where we can share knowledge and experiences. We have already done several brainstorm sessions on different topics in order to get new insights and find creative solutions for challenges we face as a community.

Finally, some sad news. Our current Operations Manager in Amsterdam, Liza Linssen will unfortunately leave Primalbase per August of this year for a new challenge abroad. Therefore, we will start the search for a new Operations Manager this month. More on that and other job vacancies at the end of this report.

Primalbase BER
In May, the final part of the construction work in our Berlin office was completed; some fantastic glass partitions have been installed, separating the lounge, the lobby, the boardroom and the Binary District workshop space. These doors are the cherry on the cake and exactly what the interior needed. A further advantage is that workshops and courses can now take place without disturbing the other token holders in the co-working area.

Primalbase LDN
The Primalbase London office is beginning to take shape, with May seeing the construction team start preliminary work on the 32nd floor of the CityPoint building. We are already looking into some learning and social events for the London office which will work really well in this incredible space.

Primalbase NYC & Primalbase SIN
Things are progressing nicely with the NYC office too. Ralph is planning his next visit to NYC in mid-June to discuss the latest developments. Although we are still in negotiations, the floorplan is being finalized with the architect, and things are already starting to fall in place. It’s early days, but we can offer one teaser — pack your sunglasses! The rooftop is beautiful on a sunny day and has stunning views over the river.

Grand opening of the Singapore office is still planned for the end of the year. First preparations for a visit are being planned within the next couple of weeks. More to follow in coming reports.


The development process of the brand new booking platform, including the leasing feature, is continuing. We put together a team of the best designers and developers earlier this year, and they are currently working hard on the leasing feature. We will conduct extensive development process over the next few weeks and it will be released in Q3. It’s a significant step for us and we would like to be sure that security, experience and operational parts are aligned together to be solid, sustainable and adaptive.

We recently added a Service Agreement, Privacy and Cookie policy on our website to clarify how we protect your personal information in keeping with the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).



Our exclusive event partner Binary District hosted an insight-filled event in our Berlin office titled Bitcoin Channels. Keynote speaker Joshua Lind, a PhD student at Imperial College London and developer and lead for the Teechain network, explained in depth how he improves off-chain payment protocols and transaction speeds across the blockchain network at Teechain. His fascinating talk provoked a great deal of discussion, and we’d like to thank the audience for being so engaged. We hope attendees went home as inspired as we did. This was all followed by dinner and networking drinks in our lounge area.

To stay updated on upcoming events in Primalbase offices, keep an eye on the events calendar on our website or subscribe to our newsletter.


We are still looking for talented people to join our team at Primalbase’s headquarters in Amsterdam. If you recognise yourself in one of the job descriptions below and would like to receive more information, please send an application to

  • Operations Manager Amsterdam
  • Operations & Events Intern — From beginning of July (Amsterdam)

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Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.