Primalbase September Report

Primalbase Team
Published in
8 min readOct 2, 2018

Hard Hats & High Rises

The last throes of summer are upon us, but while the sun may be readying itself for hibernation, we certainly aren’t. We have been busy burning the midnight oil in the run up to the London office launch, adding the final touches to the space to ensure it is in perfect condition for when we welcome our first tenants this month!

September saw a lot of travel, bookings and Skyping across the North Sea to get everything in place for the London Launch on the 4th of October (further details later in the report). We also held a hard hat tour at Primalbase LDN at the beginning of September, where we met a number of token holders and potential tenants. It was great to hear your feedback on how to improve and structure Primalbase going forward — advice from our community is vital to ensuring we can continue improving and serving its needs to the best of our ability. Please keep it coming!

It’s not just about London though — Berlin and Amsterdam remain buzzing. We continue to upgrade our current spaces and we have some exciting new developments for those in our community based there. Find out more about these later in this article. We also had a few new faces in the offices this month with a number of our token holders coming in, which is always nice to see!

In terms of future developments, Ralph and Simone are going to Singapore in October to work on the location scouting there. We’re now ironing out of the kinks in New York and are on track to open before the New Year. Read on to learn more!


We are so pleased to welcome Mahuliena Hudcovicova to our Primalbase team as the Operations Manager for Amsterdam. Mahuliena is originally from Slovakia but has been living around Holland and Scotland for the past ten years. Her background is in events, hospitality management and marketing. She recently moved back to Amsterdam where she worked for an online ticketing platform, which led to her initial interest in tech and becoming more engaged with this particular community.

Mahuliena says: “I really love Amsterdam. I guess that’s why I keep on coming back to Holland. Being based in Amsterdam and working for a company such as Primalbase is a great opportunity to get more involved in this field and to engage my skills as an operations manager. Hope to see you all around soon.” Say hello to her if you’re in the Amsterdam office!


Primalbase AMS
Our Amsterdam office was a hive of activity again this month. First up, we’ve had more refurbishments to ensure that our office looks better than ever. We’ve got fresh new doors and the space has had a paint job — brightening it up to provide an even more productive work environment.

We also received a lot of event requests from people looking to hold meetups focused on blockchain and other emerging technologies. Primalbase AMS is an ideal location for events. Its location and infrastructure are ideal, and we have a ready-made community of tech enthusiasts. We aim to support and discuss topics all about the tech industry and the blockchain ecosystem. Email with enquiries regarding any of our locations.

Lastly, the 4 PBT office has been occupied regularly by our token holders — good stuff! Here’s a friendly reminder for our token holders with 4 PBT or more that the 4 PBT office in Amsterdam remains available to you. Please contact us at if you would like to reserve it!

Primalbase BER
Things have certainly picked up at Primalbase BER. We were happy to host several token holders from abroad — and even happier that they expressed their pleasure with how the Berlin space is running. They all said they loved the view of Berlin from the office and enjoyed some drinks with us in the boardroom facilities — courtesy of Primalbase!

Aside from that, we have worked on new processes and set up some helpful documents for token holders and tenants to ensure a smooth adaptation to the new office space and its surroundings. Please ask us for our overview of custom Deals & Partnerships, our Berlin Survival Guide, and overview of the best lunch options and restaurants around our office.

Furthermore, we held several office tours with companies active in the blockchain space who are interested in renting one of our private offices. Please get in touch with us if you are also interested in a tour — we’d be happy to show you around, explain the benefits of joining our community, and answer any questions you may have.

Also, remember to also keep an eye on the Binary District events calendar for more cool meetups and workshops coming up in Berlin and the other Primalbase offices. They’re a great opportunity to see the space and learn about all the latest developments in tech from experts at the top of their field.

Lastly, a reminder that our token holders with 4 PBT or more are also welcome to come and use our 4 PBT office. If you would like to make a reservation, please contact us at and let us know!

Primalbase LDN
Primalbase LDN has definitely been busy! Our construction company Modus has been doing an amazing job and they were brilliant in our hard hat tour. It has been a really enjoyable process working with them, and they have been really efficient in meeting our timetable. Special thanks to Ayse, who runs Operations for Citypoint, and Gary, the Head of Modus Construction Company, who also gave the tour.

The space itself is amazing and we can’t wait for you to see it. The glass offices all look really impressive and we have several lounges with large grey sofas where the views can be enjoyed over a coffee. The kitchen is in the centre of the space, providing a great communal area where tenants can break bread and come together to discuss their work. Also in the spirit of collaboration, there is a huge blackboard that everyone can use which sits centre stage in our dining area. We’re looking forward to seeing this fill up with ideas and workings. Our dream is that the next Google is developed on this blackboard!

Finally, don’t forget that the Primalbase LDN office launch will take place on Thursday 4 October! It will be a full evening, with talks and discussion from the best in tech, as well as the usual champagne and celebrations. Stay tuned to our Medium and other social channels for more information. Spaces are limited so be sure to RSVP for the grand opening while you still can!

Primalbase NYC
A lot has happened over the last month in New York. Simone and our construction coordinator Remko visited our Brooklyn-based office, meeting with a number of project management teams. The team felt very comfortable with one firm in particular and they will take care of the construction process over the upcoming month. A lot of work has gone into finalising the contracts and the final layout of our office. We know you’ll love it!

Meanwhile our interior design team also got started, putting their creative juices to work on the look and feel of the interior. The space will still very much retain the Primalbase look and feel, but with a certain NYC touch. All this means that Primalbase plans to hold the launch of the office in December. We have an Operations Manager starting shortly that we will introduce in next month’s report!

Primalbase SGP
Both Simone and Ralph are planning to make a mid-October trip to Singapore to do some location scouting. The company has already secured a local contact in the region that will help gauge the lay of the land and help advise on real estate. Please share any hotspots you know of for a potential location — as well as any secret hubs in the city worth visiting!


We are currently finishing development and internal alignment with the new Primalbase website — including leasing functionality. We are 90% ready. It’s an important step for us and we want to make sure that legal, security, support and marketing are aligned before we launch the beta version. We also identified some vulnerability issues after the internal audit which we have to fix. Stay tuned for updates.


Primalbase in the news

Token-Based Co-Working Space To Launch For London Fintechs

Financial Times
Britain’s first blockchain-enabled co-working space isn’t blockchain-enabled

Today’s Conveyancer
Blockchain Technology: The Brave New World Of The Conveyancing Sector?

Upcoming events

Events are a central part of our mission to build a collaborative tech community. Our partner Binary District has been working hard alongside the Research Institute to produce even more workshops, conferences and seminars for you to enjoy — all led by experts at the cutting edge of new technologies.

First up, following the fantastic ‘Off the chain’ Master Workshop earlier in the year, we’re looking forward to the second in their series of Master Workshops, again focused on solving the scalability issues in blockchain.

‘Master Workshop: Layer I solutions’ is a two-day event taking place at Primalbase AMS on the 17–18 of November. This time it is focused on Layer 1 on-chain solutions. Thought leaders in the field will come together to discuss proof of stake algorithms, key aggregation, two-tiered network systems and many other new consensus & blockchain protocols that are currently being explored to solve the TPS bottleneck.

Speakers already confirmed include:

  • Mustafa Al-Bassam, PhD student in the Information Security Group at UCL
  • Ewa Syta, Trinity College Connecticut Assistant Professor
  • Sarah Azouvi, PhD researcher at UCL
  • Abhi Shelat, Associate Professor at Northeastern University

More experts are being announced on a daily basis so stay tuned to our social accounts as they are added to the roster.

Anyone who was at the workshop earlier in the year will understand how excited we are for this. A limited number of tickets are still available for just €70, so make sure to register early to reserve your place.


We are still looking for talented people to join our team at Primalbase. If you recognise yourself in one of the job descriptions below and would like to receive more information, please send an application to or visit our website.


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Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.