Primalbase: The Results of 2017 and How The Project Will Develop in 2018

Dmitry Faller
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2017

First of all, let’s face it — the concept of Primalbase proved itself to be non-trivial and viable for a number of reasons.

  1. It was one of the first projects (or even maybe the first one ever) that married real estate and blockchain. It used the actual technology, not simply declared the use of it, and it was not a pilot project either — the blockchain technology was logically built in, and it worked out.
  2. From the economic perspective, Primalbase business model, according to which you invest all the money that you earn back into the system, have also proved itself sufficient. In addition, the support that we received from the community assured us that this project was valuable and that we should keep developing it.
  3. Another important aspect is that Primalbase is a physical embodiment of the blockchain technology, a working infrastructure for the blockchain community where you can talk to like-minded people, collect new ideas, and gain necessary support or feedback. It gives you a totally different feeling, understanding and perception of the whole industry.

Primalbase has also become a physical interpretation of something non-physical. We are making something centralized “decentralized” and something decentralized “centralized”. On the one hand, Primalbase is a certain blockchain competence centre where you can go when you need something blockchain-related. On the other hand, it is distributed around the globe, located in different places still being somewhat connected; with each location enjoying its autonomy but at the same time replicating the basic idea the way it was originally conceived.

I think that the main result of our work in the last 6 months is that Primalbase exists. There are dedicated people who are working to maintain and develop this project, a team that shares the same values and pushes the project further. There are physical locations of the project — in Amsterdam and Berlin — with communities genuinely interested in blockchains. It proves that we were right choosing these locations, which gives us strength and inspires our confidence. I hope that these locations will become centers of understanding of how everything really happens in blockchains and will help cultivate critical thinking about the technology. Last but not least, there is a technical part of Primalbase related to booking, which is not functioning to its full capacity just yet but it works, it became a fact.

How will Primalbase develop further?

Of course, Primalbase network will keep growing — there will be more locations and people involved in this project globally. The current target for 2018 is to open more than 5 new offices. Another goal is to try out a few interesting technical things like voting on blockchain as we think that decentralized voting will become one of the key blockchain use cases in the future.

Thus, Primalbase is definitely a project to watch, to be involved in from the very beginning for a reason that it will be a ground for implementation of non-trivial and unobvious blockchain solutions that seem timely and viable to us. We will be experimenting with sidechain solutions and solutions related to gateways. The idea is similar to that of having different preferences in choosing a favourite operating system — Android, iOS, Windows, etc. We chose to go along the path where we do not want to make our community members choose only our system. People will get what they are used to. The idea is not in dualism but rather in multimodality.

There will be many tech events in Primalbase next year with bright people, thought leaders, visionaries, developers and researchers. There will be new partnerships with those who can really bring something practical to the project and the blockchain industry in general. All the partnerships that really work are built on very practical benefits. There will be research organizations and those helping develop blockchain projects. This way we will stay open to new things, won’t be isolated, keep being at the forefront of the blockchain industry.

The year 2017 was not so much a year of blockchains but rather of cryptocurrencies that served as the driver of growth — there was a lot of excitement, a lot of interest, it became clear that people need it, that blockchain is here to stay. However, we need to use this attention and focus it not only on the cryptocurrency but on the disruptive potential of the blockchain technology. The year 2018 will be the time for testing the consistency of the blockchain projects that declared themselves in 2017 and earlier. There will be a great opportunity to attract more attention to the technology. Some say that the interest will vanish, that the bubble will burst — but judging by how it all developed before it is just the beginning. Next year will bring a lot of interesting ideas and a lot of interesting discoveries. The industry will move forward and upward, and so will the Primalbase project.

Opening of Primalbase AMS
Opening of Primalbase BER



Dmitry Faller

Chairman of the Board at Primalbase, Researcher at the field of Applied Mathematics