
Auro K. Datta
Primary Burn
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2024

The hooded figure sat in the corner of the bus. Any other time of the year, he would have been the victim of suspicion. But not now, not today. Coz it’s the first day of the year, and the air was full of positive vibes. Add to the fact that it was the middle of winter, so heavy clothing wasn’t out of fashion just yet. So nobody gave a second glance towards him, not even the touchy feely giggly couple touching butts with him. Which was good for him, coz he needed his time out. As the bus began its transit between stops, he stared out the window lost in thought. The white earphones connecting to his cell phone played the melancholy tune of a distant world. His unfocused eyes passively registered the passing city, the tall buildings, the bright lights flashing across his face. His mind wandered backwards across the fourth dimension, spanning the expanse of the past year. It hadn’t been exactly a good one for him. Health problems, financial crises, issues at home. Above all he has been trying in vain to pursue his dream, make some headway into it. But these landmines keep getting in his way, as if resolutely determined to keep him from going on. Yet he fought on, coz he saw the glimmer, the light at the end of the tunnel. Even so, he thought, is it worth it? His mind rambled on its own as he cranked up the volume, to drown out the commotion surrounding him. His ears registered the audio beating down on his eardrums. A series of motivational videos he had downloaded and converted to audio to play during transits such as this. He liked this series, the narrator had a crisp and mellow voice. Not shouting like in other videos, yet driving the point home. And as he listened, he looked up, tilting his face just a little bit upwards, his face revealing itself from under the hoodie. A faint smile. A glimmer of hope. Unwavering upon his face. He felt the fire inside burn just a little bit brighter. Not yet enough to make his face erupt in emotions, but just enough to keep the darkness of desperation from clamping down a shroud upon his heart. Looking outside he saw the north star, and slowly blinked his eyes once, as if reciprocating the twinkling star. New year, he whispered under his breath, i will make you happy.

© Auro_31122015

