
Auro K. Datta
Primary Burn
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2024

It all seemed like a really weird and sick twisted dream. Except it wasn’t. The zombie apocalypse. It was here. For real.
The astronomers had observed an abnormally high radiation burst from a star system in the other side of the galaxy quadrant. Although we were subjected to pheta radiation from the centre of the galaxy, this star system anomalously emitted 500 times the amount spewed upon us by the galaxy. The scientists predicted that Brackster, as they named the star system, would have a derogative impact on mankind. But they never realized that it would be this soon. And this ugly. The symptoms were superficial at first, dermal infections and allergies, which soon spread deeper, infecting and mutating the neural systems. Within months of Timeline Zero, the conditions regressed exponentially, turning humans into mindless creatures. That was when the Fraknell team was assimilated.
Biologically resistant human soldiers were fortified with
inoculations and anti-pheta treatments to render them immune, as mankind faced the greatest survival crisis since Event Mushroom. I had only been recruited 2 weeks when I was despatched with the 41st Squadron. Our mission: inoculate sector ZF606, the initiation point for Timeline Zero. What started out as a clean up mission turned into an ugly struggle for survival. We got detached from other teammates. Comms shut down, forcing me to team up with local civilians in the southeastern segment of the sector. Slowly we eradicated the threat, zeroing in on the last of the Phetonics.
It was a rough day going for all of us. My squad had been awake all night and it was late afternoon when we cornered the last Phetonic in an abandoned elevator. Waiting for the vaccine to mature in a portable unit, we retreated into a nearby room, to recuperate and regroup. Diminishing supplies forced me to send back my squad, leaving me alone to strike the final blow. I had just begun to doze off when i heard the ground shaking.
The building had started to buckle under the recurring damage. I grabbed the vaccine and loaded the Stinger, as i rushed to the metal sliding door. It wouldnt budge, stuck due to falling debris. A ghoulish scream confirmed the escape of our prisoner. I panicked as i blasted the door down and followed the Phetonic down the building. But it was too late. By the time i followed it to the refugee shelter, the welcoming party confirmed my greatest fear, as a horde of Phetonics spilled out onto the street. The Stinger fell from my hand, as i dropped to my knees, anticipating the attack. I just hoped it wouldn’t be too painful.
For the Resurgence had begun.

© Auro_16052016

