Copper Eddy Current Tube

IMC Conference Outline

Michael Johnson
Primary Coil


Note: The topics indicated in Parts One and Three of this outline are discussed in the other articles in this Medium publication, Primary Coil. In particular, Begin at the Beginning provides a solid overview. The goal of this outline is to present video support for the material in Part Two. Part Two presents actual classroom equipment. Each video is shot from the child’s POV and offers the rational behind the particular piece in terms of the overall curriculum goal. These are not how-to videos either in the specifics of equipment construction or specific lesson presentations. There is no single right or correct design for any of these pieces. The determining factor is whether or not a design works in a real classroom. I believe that, given the equipment suggestions and the ideas expressed in them, teachers will know better how to implement the work in their individual situations than could be stated in a general description. I have endeavored to limit them to about two minutes each, with only a few exceptions.

Part One

Adult Physics: ideas the child does not have
~The nature of abstraction, duality, causality, language
~Long term experiments
~Mathematical imagination
~Dominant Theories

The Child’s Macro World Experience
~The limits of the Senses
~Micro and Cosmological limits: too small, too large, to far
~Circumstantial limits: too fast and too slow; under, inside and behind
~Parts of wholes,Moving parts

Three Basic Dualities
~Matter and Energy
~Space and Time
~Particle and Wave

Matter oriented materials vs Energy (event) oriented materials
Entity-Matter control of error: Stability
~Event-Energy control of error: Intended Change

The Elements, the lower limit of the macro world
~Electrode matching sets
~Matching to ore samples and the Periodic Table
~Gasses through electrolysis, liquids through compounds

Electrodes with chemical symbols for matching exercises, ore samples and machined samples, voltaic pile disks, non-metals carbon and silicon, salt as a compound to be used with water as a compound to produce an electrolyte, an electrolysis tool to then produce oxygen and hydrogen, AlNiCo bar magnet and LED for magnetic and electrical properties testing

The eight forms of Energy in the macro world
~Consciousness, Light, Sound, Motion, Heat, Chemical Reaction
~Electricity and Magnetism: Induction
~Consciousness vs. Electricity
~Energy Transformations
~Transducers and reversibility

Part Two

Because Electricity and Magnetism provide the means of conversion, power, control, storage, transmission and encoding, it is a logical starting point in a primary science curriculum.


There are three macro manifestations of electricity: Field, Spark and Flow

Field: electromotive force, field mono-polarity
~ Charging Tubes, balancing/hanging/rolling objects
~ Electroscope, same charges attract, opposites repel,
~ electric field poles are monopoles, either positive or negative
~ behavior of Charge with reguard to Shape, materials

Spark: transferring and containing Charge,
~ Leyden Jars

Flow: interaction with live tendrils and associated field
Plasma Ball, AC Tester, LEDs

Chemical Reaction, stored Charge and initiation of Flow
~ Electrolysis
~ Voltaic Piles
~ Batteries

Correction: Copper must always be the positive. This is a control of error. If copper is negative, the other electrode will corrode visibly, shutting down the reaction and needing to be cleaned.

Conductivity, contained Flow, Current Polarity
conductors: electrodes, electrolytes and plasma
~ resistors: wood, glass, plastics, air

Circuits, conscious control of electricity
~ connectors and hook-up wires
~ Snap Circuits
~ the Push-Pull model, language and gestures
~ volts, ohms and amps

Sensors and Meters
causal reactors, films, imagers
~ quantification, analogue vs. digital

Electric and Magnetic Fields are not the same.


Isolation of Attraction and Repulsion

Magnetic Pendulum, aka, Banana Hook, Field effect, Attraction

Magnetic Bouncer, Field effect, Repulsion, levitation and magnetic braking

Magnetic Stacker
polarity is tactile
~magnetic field is always a dipole
~polarity consistent through combinations of magnets

Visualizing the Field
field placement games
~ ferro films, fluids and filings

reactive and non reactive elements
~ pass or absorb a field


Eddy Currents

Part Three

Space and Time
~ Three Dimensional Counting, Wire Frames
~ The Nature and Action of Clocks

Additional Geometric Shapes
~ coil
~ parabolic dish
~ sine wave

Particles and Waves
~ linear, angular, orbital motions
~ collision
~ oscillation, ripples

Qualitative Three Part Equations
~ speed is distance and time
~ force is mass and acceleration
~ current is voltage and resistance, Ohm’s Law

Energy transformations in the real world
~The Natural World
~ Technology, Culture and the Great Lessons
~ Education and Commerce

