Awaken the Sleep Health Movement

Primasun Staff
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2022

As children, a bedtime ritual is sacred. Perhaps it includes brushing your teeth then reading a book, cuddling with your favorite stuffed animal, or getting the comforter just right. Regardless of how different one might be from the next, these rituals all reflect a single fact: the importance of getting a good night’s rest.

Somehow, over the years, we’ve seemed to lose sight of sleep’s important role in our lives. As we grow older, getting quality sleep often takes a backseat to juggling all of life’s responsibilities.

In the past few years, we’ve watched the world come together to pursue better health for everyone. The pandemic reminded us just how important it is to protect our health; just how limited a strained healthcare system can be; and just how much the good health of individuals drives our communities and workplaces forward.

But, today, despite the best intentions of the global community, our lives, healthcare system, and workplaces still remain weighed down by a factor many underestimate: poor sleep.

Sleep is the foundation of physical and mental health — it impacts nearly every major condition — yet, for too long, it’s been an underserved element of healthcare.

That’s why Primasun is awakening the sleep health movement. And there’s no better place to do it than where the future of health happens: HLTH 2022.

Primasun is Building A Stronger Foundation For Health

Everything is easier after a good night’s rest. Our bodies are more resilient to illness, our workplaces are safer and more productive, and our healthcare system can reduce the cost of care for sleep-related conditions.

But getting good sleep is not a choice that everyone has. Experts estimate that 75% of adults in the U.S. experience sleep disorder symptoms multiple nights per week.

At best, individuals may feel persistent drowsiness throughout the day, leaving them with less energy to be present in life.

At worst, their poor sleep agitates other chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and poor mental health — negatively impacting their overall health, driving up employee healthcare costs, and placing further strain on an already over-burdened healthcare system.

At Primasun, we believe that sleep, in its restorative and preventive function, can operate as medicine for improving our overall well-being.

We’re fixing sleep because doing so means building a stronger foundation for the health and well-being of individuals and the healthcare system alike.

When we empower good sleep health and address complex sleep disorders, we help patients achieve better health outcomes, alleviate the healthcare system from costly chronic conditions, and help employers create a safer, more productive work environment.

Awakening the Sleep Health Movement at HLTH 2022

We’re proud to be launching the sleep health movement at HLTH 2022, where the entire healthcare ecosystem comes together to envision the next generation of healthcare innovation and transformation.

But we know this is just the beginning.

It is not enough to only raise awareness about the health consequences of poor sleep.

We must also mend the broken care pathways that prevent people from getting treatment for poor sleep, and create new care pathways based on the latest technology and the newest discoveries about sleep.

Follow along our HLTH journey to learn more about our approach to fixing sleep and the technology behind our platform that is building a world where everyone has access to sleep-disorder solutions.

