Pop the Culture 005: Do men always have to initiate relationships?

Primate Culture
Primate Culture


Relationships. Almost everyone stresses over these things. Butterflies in tummies, holding hands, planning a future together, and all that jazz. The thing is, somebody has to start it off, be the trigger, or ask that famous question; “what are we?” or perhaps more importantly; “would you like to go out with me?”

Who is this person though? Society says the guy should do it. Some of the guys wonder why the lady can’t do it herself! Thus, we set off to find out if this case of the guy being responsible for starting relationships is the only way.

We got Mark Amaza on this episode and boy, it was a fun conversation. From defining relationships to questioning certain gender roles to popping questions, Pop the Culture dove in headfirst on this one.

Check out the podcast below.

We are also on iTunes, you can listen here.

While we enjoyed recording this episode, we also went ahead to set up a series of polls to help understand what you guys, our loving audience, would actually do when faced with these scenarios first-hand.


For the ladies…

The gents were not left out

Remember to not just vote but to also retweet!

It’s been great getting to hear from our audience, keep it up guys. For the newbies, you can check up on older episodes here and don’t forget to subscribe, share and leave feedback in the form of your typically nice reviews and comments.

P.S. Watch out for part 2 where the ladies strike back with precisely what they think on this issue.

