Graphene: The Miracle Material

Four applications are commercially available right now

Alessandro Levi
Prime Movers Lab



Graphene was originally discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov, professors at the University of Manchester (UK), and for this discovery, they won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. Graphene is made of only carbon atoms bonded in a honeycomb-shaped crystal lattice and is considered a two-dimensional material being only one atom thick. These researchers were able to isolate the first graphene sheet by using a rudimentary technique, i.e. they used tape to separate graphite flakes from a sample of graphite by applying tape first, then pressing the tape against itself and pulling it apart, and repeating the process multiple times till only one layer of carbons was left. They tested the graphene samples and discovered its extraordinary properties: graphene is transparent, it has high conductivity, and mechanical strength 200 greater than steel.

The key to having these incredible properties is to have a single layer of atoms and only two materials in the world meet this requirement: graphene and graphene nanotubes. Today, there is no technology for the mass production of graphene, while there are companies manufacturing graphene nanotubes at an industrial scale. Lower quality products such as multi-wall carbon nanotubes…



Alessandro Levi
Prime Movers Lab

Venture capitalist, company builder, founder, engineer.