Prime Movers Lab Webinar Series: Hydrogen

Join us for our upcoming webinar on March 2 @ 3pm ET/12pm PT!

Carly Anderson
Prime Movers Lab
3 min readFeb 25, 2022


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Hydrogen is a potential trillion-dollar market that supports critical industries. It’s a key input for refining oil, making fertilizer, plastics, and synthetic materials (like the stuff in yoga pants), and tons of everyday products. For decades, we’ve gotten hydrogen from fossil fuels — from natural gas in the US and from coal in other parts of the world. The world spends more than $100 billion a year on this fossil hydrogen today.

However, an alternative is on the rise. “Green hydrogen” can be made from water and renewable electricity, through a process called electrolysis that generates no emissions. We are seeing increasing announcements of large green hydrogen projects, often coupled with wind and solar. Historically, generating green hydrogen has been really expensive. However, a combination of new technology, policy, and economies of scale is starting to change this.

At Prime Movers Lab, we’re excited about this because breakthrough science technologies promise to make green hydrogen at fossil hydrogen prices. This could be a gamechanger for decarbonizing industries that use a lot of hydrogen, like chemicals and fertilizer production. This would also spur growth into new markets. Green hydrogen can be 🔥burned 🔥 without generating emissions, replacing fossil fuels burned to generate the high-temperature heat needed for mining, steel, cement, and other hard-to-decarbonize industrial processes. As more and more wind and solar are added to the grid, some have proposed that green hydrogen could ultimately become the battery of tomorrow—electrolyzers could produce hydrogen from water when there is excess electricity, and reverse the process when electricity is needed.

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To explore the trends, technologies, and timing around green hydrogen, we will be joined by three panelists who are each world-experts in the hydrogen and renewable energy fields:

  • Raffi Garabedian is the Co-founder and CEO of Electric Hydrogen, which is creating a new generation of electrolyzer technologies. Raffi is a serial deep-tech entrepreneur and former CTO at First Solar, where he spent a dozen years developing solar panel technology.
  • Marty Neese is the CEO of Verdagy, a green hydrogen company innovating water electrolysis technology for the very large-scale production of green hydrogen. Marty is a serial entrepreneur and cleantech leader, including serving on the board of Ballard and as the former COO of SunPower.
  • Gniewomir Flis from Energy Revolution Ventures has done extensive research on the economics of hydrogen for Agora Energiewende, Aurora Energy Research, and Liebreich Associates. He’s helped map the learning rates in electrolyzers and done leading work on future hydrogen costs.

Our own Ramez Naam has also been following the hydrogen space for many years and will help guide this discussion. This is a unique opportunity to ask questions and hear firsthand from some of the companies disrupting the hydrogen landscape, and experts’ projections on how this sector will evolve! I hope you will join us on March 2 at 3 pm ET/12pm PT.

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