The Builder Identity

Creating With Leverage

Dakin Sloss
Prime Movers Lab
3 min readMar 29, 2021


Most engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors consider themselves builders in some capacity, but clearly each plays a different role in the process of creation. Looking back on my own journey, I realize that my identity as a builder has progressively expanded in ways that have been crucial to finding fulfillment in my evolving roles.

When I started my first organization, I directly executed on huge portions of the process and played the role of creator hands on. Then, as we grew, I began hiring people to replace me in almost every area of the company. This transition from direct creator to leader can be (and was) jarring as I grappled with expanding my identity as a builder to include hiring, managing, and guiding rather than directly doing. I know firsthand from many moments over the years that this transition is often particularly challenging for individual contributors into manager roles or entrepreneurs becoming investors.

I believe that the key to achieving a smooth and fun transition is to consciously expand one’s identity as a builder. What does this mean? The first step is recognizing all the ways in which directly building has met one’s needs — whether it is for growth, variety, contribution, or connection with one self. Second, we need to consciously identify which of the ways those needs will now need to be met differently and design new habits and rituals in our updated role that allow us to appreciate our different way of building via others. Third, we need to practice. Inevitably, feelings of loss will arise and rather than ignoring them or making them wrong — we appreciate them as part of the transition in identity.

Most importantly, we need to take the time to celebrate the tremendous benefits that come from this expanded identity as builder: LEVERAGE. Almost all of the most important challenges in the world take a team to solve, and by stepping up to lead the team — we unlock the ability to have a much larger impact with our time. While transition isn’t for everyone, it is a crucial step in expanding the amount that we can build if we want to.

This same transition happens over and over again if one wants to increase the level of contribution possible. From engineer to manager. From managers to entrepreneur. From entrepreneur to investor. Each of these are opportunities to increase the scope of contribution we can make to the world if we consciously navigate the shift in the builder identity. None of this is to say that someone should choose to shift roles — but if you do choose to, hopefully this is a helpful prompt to consider how to do so in a way that is most fulfilling.

Also, as a note — I think this is a crucial piece of interviewing someone for a role — understanding how their identity is tied up in the concept of builder and which ‘level’ of builder identity it is. This can help predict the kinds of pitfalls that may come with a shifted role and identify specific new rituals or practices a manager should help a team member with to prepare.

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Dakin Sloss
Prime Movers Lab

Backing breakthrough scientific startups transforming billions of lives across energy, transportation, infrastructure, manufacturing,and human augmentation.