Why We Invested in Paradromics Again

Dakin Sloss
Prime Movers Lab
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2023


The Paradromics cortical module (left) has biocompatibility and reliability designed into each
layer. From bottom to top (right), fine (<40 μm) microelectrodes minimize tissue impact;
hermetic electrode feedthrough protects electronics during long-term implantation; patented on-
chip Quartet™ Neural Signal Transform provides low-power conversion of neural signals to
usable data; and data leaves the module on a small, flexible lead.

In the vast expanse of human advancement, few endeavors hold as much promise and fascination as unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. The emerging field of neurotechnology, with its potential to restore communication, enhance cognitive abilities, and address neurological disorders, will reshape the way we perceive the world and interact with our own minds. At Prime Movers Lab, we are exclusively focused on backing transformative technologies that can elevate humanity, which is why we are excited to double down on our investment in Paradromics, the leader in direct data interfaces with the brain. The potential to open a safe doorway into the human brain is at hand.

In many ways, the brain represents a platform for advanced technologies and applications. We are on the verge of a future where software tools can be directly deployed to the brain, addressing humanity’s most pressing challenges. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), although once considered a novel concept, have now matured into a well-understood technology platform. Decades of rigorous clinical trials, scientific advancements, and significant government and venture investments have propelled BCIs from the realm of science fiction to a reality grounded in clinical evidence and practical applications. Unmet medical needs in brain health represent a market opportunity exceeding $200B, and companies like Paradromics are ready to translate decades of latent scientific progress in BCI into marketable medical advancements.

To fully grasp the magnitude of the commercial opportunities in neurotechnology, we must recognize that it sits at the confluence of fundamental developments.

  • Artificial intelligence is rapidly approaching human-level capabilities across specialized domains.
  • Traditional approaches to brain interfacing are failing to cope with a growing mental health crisis, characterized by the rise of opioid addiction, increased depression rates, and a lack of breakthrough drugs on the horizon.
  • Neuroscience has experienced a pivotal shift towards studying the brain from a data and systems perspective, paving the way for a new generation of technology-based therapies that leverage advanced AI tools.

There are a number of exciting investment opportunities in the neurotechnology space for funds that are “betting on the brain,” but it is becoming increasingly apparent that not all approaches in brain-computer interfaces are created equal. Paradromics and Neuralink have emerged as technological frontrunners, revolutionizing the field with devices that act as high bandwidth connections to the brain, enabling access to the most granular and informative data from single neurons. In contrast, surface-based approaches like micro-electrocorticography (μECoG) and endovascular devices, which permanently attach inside blood vessels, fall short in capturing the richness of single neuron signals. At Prime Movers Lab, we recognize the immense potential in various approaches to connecting with the brain, but we firmly believe that high data rate, single neuron signals are essential for any future-oriented platform. This conviction led us to invest in Paradromics, who have clearly and repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to taking the winning approach to advance the frontier of BCI technology.

Paradromics has emerged as a true trailblazer in the realm of BCIs, with their execution of a feasible, well-defined plan to develop the Connexus DDI (Direct Data Interface) for clinical use. Their modular system combines elegance and practicality, featuring up to four cortical modules, each implanted with 400 microwire electrodes, ensuring precise and comprehensive brain interface. Complementing this, they have developed a cranial hub for power distribution and data readout, as well as a discreet wireless transmitter that implants under the skin, like a pacemaker. Their modular design offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling simultaneous decoding of multiple motor areas — an unprecedented leap forward in assistive communication and motor control. Importantly, Paradromics has also identified a clear first market opportunity for their platform with high medical need and low clinical risk. Their Connexus DDI will serve as an assistive communication device for people who have lost the ability to speak — constituting a $20B market opportunity in the US alone.

While Elon Musk’s Neuralink has garnered significant attention for its technical capabilities, Paradromics has showcased an even higher level of technical prowess, matching or even surpassing Neuralink’s achievements. Notably, Paradromics’ system boasts 1,600 electrodes, surpassing Neuralink’s N1 device at a mere 1,024 channels. Equally significant is Paradromics’ focus on long-term suitability and adherence to stringent medical device development standards. Their meticulous approach, calibrated to meet the needs of care providers and regulators, emphasizes validated surgical techniques and implant longevity. With scalability, durability, and capability at the forefront, Paradromics demonstrates unwavering dedication to delivering meaningful and enduring treatments, perfectly aligning with our mission to support companies that have a lasting impact on the human condition. It also helps that their team is made up of incredible people.

At Prime Movers Lab, we understand that success in venture capital hinges on timing. We stand at the confluence of breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, a growing mental health crisis, and a critical shift toward data-driven neuroscience; it is clear that the brain is a tremendous platform for transformative technologies. We firmly believe that the time to invest is now, and our bet is placed on the company leading the charge toward best-in-class direct data interfaces — Paradromics.

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Dakin Sloss
Prime Movers Lab

Backing breakthrough scientific startups transforming billions of lives across energy, transportation, infrastructure, manufacturing,and human augmentation.