Research on Demand — by Prime Rating

Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2022


  • Research on Demand (RoD) is a new solution to commission research and ratings, to support understanding and evaluation of Web3 projects
  • The options range from protocol ratings and launch due-diligence to industry research and opinion pieces
  • Our analysts hold verifiable, on-chain reputation tokens and POAPs: choose the ones fitting your requirements, level of expertise and budget

Prime Rating is excited to announce a brand new service offering: Rating & Research on Demand — or RoD for short. On demand research will allow anyone to order ratings reports, pre-launch due-diligence or custom research from our community.

What is RoD

Research or Rating on Demand is a service provided by the Prime Rating community. We imagine a platform where anyone looking for insights and in-depth analysis on DeFi or Metaverse protocols can commission our community to conduct high-quality research on their behalf. This will allow anyone in need for due-diligence to get independent analysts taking a closer look into a protocol of their choice.

Why RoD matters

PrimeRating’s vision is to foster transparency and objective decision making in Web3. We do this by enabling community-driven research through the provision of permissionless frameworks. Achieving this vision of full transparency requires PrimeRating to offer public access to our findings, thus adopting elements typically attributed to a digital public good.

However, achieving this vision also requires financial sustainability, which can partly be accomplished by offering add-on services such as RoD or fast and direct access to our datasets via our API.

Moreover, RoD creates a new opportunity for our community of raters to earn additional rewards, RXP and experience. In combination, RoD creates new exciting opportunities for the community and users.

Explaining the product vision

Our vision for RoD is to create a fully decentralised and permissionless platform, enabling anyone to anonymously commission rating reports, custom research or other kinds of insights. The exact technical requirements for the platform will be assessed in full detail at a later date. However, the following features describe the product at a high level:

  • Wallet login to commission research
  • Comprehensive selections of RoD options
  • Ability to customise offering
  • Raters can accept to perform the work
  • Rater’s access to incoming requests is gated by their RXP level
  • The complete offer, including specifications, fees, and disputes are all managed via on-chain governance

Before we start to build the first version of this platform, we will use an MVP to initiate the service. The goal is to explore demand and gather feedback on the service from both users and raters. A selected pilot group of high level raters will be invited to conduct ratings and research.

To kick off the initial phase, an ad will be published on the Defiant newsletter to raise awareness for the new service.

The MVP will encompass the following offering.

1. Rating on Demand

  • Allowing anyone to commission a rating report on the protocol of their choice
  • A rater will conduct an in-depth analysis of the chosen project using our battle-tested report template. At least one reviewer will audit the work
  • Options to choose from include exclusive access (report will never be shared publicly), increased experienced (only a rater with 200+ RXP conducts the research)
  • Compared to our public rating reports, RoD is guaranteed to be up-to-date, conducted by an experienced analyst, optionally exclusive, and potentially customizable (tbd)
  • Examples can be found on our rating app or Gitbook

2. Pre-Launch Due-Diligence

  • Allowing anyone to commission a report on a project that is about to be launched (e.g. before conducting an LBP on PrimeLaunch)
  • A rater will conduct an in-depth analysis of the chosen project using our pre-launch report. At least one reviewer will audit the work
  • Options include exclusive access (report will never be shared publicly) and increased experienced (only a rater with 200+ RXP conducts the research)
  • Since the outcome of these evaluations are highly dependent on the accessibility and amount of information available, raters will most likely get in touch with the team/community of the protocol in question

3. Custom Research

  • This offer is basically an open invitation to request our community to conduct research on any topic outside of ratings
  • As the title suggests, the topic can be proposed and details are specified in discussion with the client
  • Some examples are “Overview of the DEX sector in Ethereum”, “Top 5 lending protocols and their differences”, “Current trends in DeFi tokenomics”, etc. One example of previous research can be found here
  • A rater will be invited to participate in the discussion and refinement of the requirements. At least one reviewer will audit the work
  • Payment is highly dependent on the type of work requested

Who would use RoD?

In theory anyone can request the community to conduct RoD, however, we imagine that specifically VC’s in need of additional analyst capacity, angels and individual investors looking for helping hands to conduct the research can profit from this service. We imagine that DAO treasury managers and DAO partnership facilitators can also profit from an independent second opinion. Moreover, high-quality due-diligence can also help any business, protocol, or DAO that has to deal with asset listings (e.g. DEXs, CEXs, lending protocols, etc.). This list is of course non-exclusive but only an initial overview of whom we initially had in mind when creating this offering.

What’s next?

In the coming weeks we will roll out the required bits and pieces for the MVP, starting with an advertisement on the Defiant and a typeform for registrations. At the same time, we are collecting funds via a Gitcoin grant to enable the development of the first on-chain version. Within the coming weeks, we will further detail the requirements and guidelines to facilitate the process for raters and users alike (i.e. website adjustments, pricing, gitbook adjustment, etc.).

If you have any questions or input, feel free to reach out to us via Discord or email:

Disclaimer: Prime Rating is a Rate-to-Earn framework to evaluate DeFi protocols, promoting transparency in the open finance Web3 ecosystem, by applying a permissionless and open-source approach. None of the services or products mentioned in this article are, or should be seen as financial advice. All information used to review the protocols are publicly available. For a more detailed disclaimer please visit our docs.

