The Metaverse Rate-athon by Prime Rating and Metaportal is Coming

Published in
7 min readApr 6, 2022

Get 💸 paid 💸 for rating Metaverse projects, earn rating points and POAPs, and learn from experienced raters


  • Prime Rating is a Rate-to-Earn, gamified approach for evaluating crypto projects and promoting transparency in the open finance Web3 ecosystem.
  • Historically Prime Rating has focused on DeFi, but will now be expanding coverage into Metaverse projects during this rate-athon.
  • The contest starts on April 13th, 10:00 am UTC (5:00AM US ET) and runs until April 27th, 22:00 UTC (5:00PM US ET).
  • The projects listed here can be chosen for submission.
  • Click here to find the rating templates used to evaluate projects and here to see an example report.
  • Submit ratings through Discord to participate in the rate-a-thon and be eligible for rewards (5250 USDC + 9250 D2D + 105 GAME in total)
  • Register for the Prime Rating Metaverse Rate-athon here.

Enter the Metaverse

Prime Rating is a permissionless framework for evaluating the quality and risk of crypto projects and is launching coverage for Metaverse projects for the first time in our history. The Metaverse is an exciting frontier in web3 development and there are lots of interesting protocols building in the space. We’ve teamed up with MetaPortal to tackle what’s shaping the virtual world and are offering Prime Raters the opportunity to evaluate projects in Metaverse categories like gaming, extended reality, collectibles and more.

The Prime Rating Metaverse Rate-athon will go live on April 13, 2022 and will end April 27, 2022. Everyone interested in token research can participate in the contest by submitting rating reports and earning significant rewards. Check out the list of eligible projects here and mark which ones you’d like to rate.

All successfully submitted reports earn a minimum of 150 USDC + 200 D2D tokens + 10 RXP and are eligible to win both quality (for the best reports) and quantity (most reports written) prizes at the end of the competition, totalling 5250 USDC, 9250 D2D, and 105 GAME tokens. Similar to past ratings seasons, all participants also get helpful feedback and tips from experienced raters, earn POAP badges and earn Rating Experience Points (RXP) which increase future rewards and governance voting power within the Prime Rating DAO.

Once reviewed and accepted via governance vote, reports are uploaded to the Prime Rating website, where they are available for individual and institutional users. So far, 100 DeFi projects have been rated and reviewed by our community. Some reports have been updated multiple times to keep up with the rapid pace of development in the Web3 ecosystem.

Lots of resources are available for new and experienced raters to refine their skills. During Prime Rating Season 2, experienced raters hosted multiple learning sessions about each portion of our rating template and research process that can quickly help you get up to speed. Check out our YouTube channel for these and more resources.

Prime Rating is making amazing progress in its mission to create a permissionless and transparent rating framework for the Web3 ecosystem and wants you to join the action. Are you ready?

Read on to find out how to become a rater and participate in the Prime Rating Metaverse Rate-a-thon.

Metaverse Season Guidelines

  • Reports can be submitted starting April 13th at 10:00 am (UTC) until April 27th 22:00 (UTC); to join, register here
  • The competition focuses on Metaverse projects. Participants can find a list of eligible projects here (some protocols are higher priority and thus are eligible for higher rewards).
  • All reports must identify and name their sources of information. Participants must use publicly available information as a basis for report writing (i.e. CoinGecko or the project’s website). However, we encourage the use of on-chain analytics tools such as Dune Analytics, Nansen, Tokenterminal, IntoTheBlock, or others. For Metaverse projects, tools like Cryptoslam and DappRadar can also be helpful. We also encourage primary research by interacting directly with the project team on their Discord or other communication channels.
  • Raters can join as individuals or as a group. For submissions by a group, rewards will be paid to the group and not to all the individual contributors.
  • A Rater or group can rate the same project only once during this competition.
  • Raters cannot submit the same project more than 2 times throughout the competition. Only the first 2 submissions that are approved will receive the rewards.

Report Acceptance Process

Submitting a report consists of three main steps: report creation, gathering feedback, and submission. Those steps can be summarized into the report acceptance process as described below:

Report Creation

  1. Rater chooses which project to evaluate from this list and claims the project by adding their name to the list.
  2. Ideally, the person or group introduces themselves in Discord and states the project(s) they are going to evaluate (optional).
  3. The fundamental report template is downloaded from Gitbook.
  4. Rater creates a copy of the file and fills out the report. Check here, and here for some past examples of high quality reports.

Gather Feedback

  1. Once completed, a Rater uploads the report under to the PrimeDAO Discord channel #report-feedback to ask for feedback from Prime Reviewers.
  2. At least one Reviewer will provide feedback.
  3. The Rater can decide to either implement the feedback, stop with the process, or (if feedback was excellent) proceed directly to submission. Raters can also repeat the feedback process to ensure the report adheres to Prime Rating’s high standards for quality.

Report Submission

  1. After finalizing the report, Raters convert it into a .pdf file and proceed to the submission form to submit the report.
  2. Reports that were submitted will go to a Snapshot vote. Prime Governors will review the report, and vote FOR or AGAINST accepting it.
  3. If the majority votes FOR, the report will be added to the Prime Rating website and update the project’s score. Rewards are paid to the Rater after the conclusion of the event.
  4. If the majority votes AGAINST, the report is not accepted. The Rater can then approach Prime Governors, ask for feedback, and re-submit again after implementing the feedback.

Please be aware that Raters can only submit the same report twice per season. If reviewers did not accept it the second time, that usually means that the report is not of good quality. But don’t be discouraged! Prime Raters come from all backgrounds and PrimeDAO maintains lots of helpful resources for upping your rating game. Check out our YouTube channel for some tips from recent expert learning sessions hosted during Prime Rating Season 2.

Community Contributions & Raters

As outlined here, ensuring high quality of reports is extremely important to Prime Rating and one of the main reasons a rigorous governance structure is in place. We also want to provide the opportunity for more engagement within the DAO to those Raters (and groups) that consistently create high-quality reports.

Furthermore, we want to establish a community that becomes fully autonomous and self-sustainable, that can carry this project forward and ensure its future success.

In the spirit of building long-term incentives and a strong community, we’ve introduced a system that allows Raters to level up and receive more responsibility (and rewards) within Prime Rating, based on their contribution. For example, for Raters who move from the ‘Novice’ to ‘Graduate’ level, there is an increase in rewards by 10% and an invitation to become part of the reviewing group (which carries an additional set of rewards).

Rewards & Rules

Rewards are paid out for each report at the conclusion of the rating season. The amount of each reward depends on the raters’ experience and the priority of the project. To check which projects are higher in priority, check the list of protocols included in this season.

Below are the rewards for a Level-0 or Novice Rater:

  • Rewards per report: 150 USDC + 200 D2D + 10 RXP

Below are the rewards for a Reviewer (only for raters with 100+ RXP):

  • Reward per review: 100 USDC + 100 D2D + 5 RXP

Metaverse Rate-athon Prizes

Additional prizes for participation in this rate-a-thon fall into two main categories: The first is quality, and the second is quantity.

The three best reports in terms of quality — chosen by the governing group — will each receive 1000 USDC + 2000 D2D + 20 GAME + 30 RXP.

The three parties that submitted the most reports will receive:

  • 1st place 1000 USDC + 1500 D2D + 20 GAME + 30 RXP
  • 2nd place 750 USDC + 1000 D2D + 15 GAME + 20 RXP
  • 3rd place 500 USDC + 500 D2D + 10 GAME + 10 RXP

How can you participate in Prime Rating’s Metaverse Rate-athon?

  1. Register here
  2. Join us on Discord
  3. Read through our guidelines
  4. Follow the steps of the Report Acceptance Process listed above (write, feedback, submit)
  5. Learn and earn!

About Prime Rating

Prime Rating builds and maintains a permissionless rating framework for quantifying the quality and risk of open finance protocols. The Rating App offers a simple and comparable opinion in the form of a letter rating on a scale from A+ to D, that represents the overall quality of an open finance protocol from a neutral view, based on publicly available data.

Prime Rating operates through a permissionless and transparent process governed by PrimeDAO, applying a wisdom-of-the-crowd approach by allowing multiple independent reports per protocol, making each score more accurate and resilient. Learn more here.

About MetaPortal

MetaPortal was founded by verto0912 and DarkForestCapital following their work at Index Coop and on the Metaverse Index. The purpose of MetaPortal is to foster a community of infinite players within the Metaverse. Fuelled by diverse revenue streams and an intrinsic curiosity, MetaPortal aims to contribute to the development of the open metaverse through its various projects and initiatives.

About PrimeDAO

Our mission is to facilitate the broad adoption of open finance by coordinating and cultivating protocols, DAOs, and DAO2DAO relations that promote reliability, liquidity, collaboration, and extensive access. We are excited to build next-generation coordination tools for decentralized finance and help steer DeFi towards a synergistic ecosystem. To learn more, check out the link below.

