First Slovenian National Assembly election poll on the blockchain

Jan Vidic
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

The Principle team wants to redefine ways of social decision-making using the blockchain. We believe that blockchain technology can change decision-making and cooperation with a transition to everyday use — even at the national level. We want to show one of our use cases by running the National Assembly election poll on the blockchain.

Elections, as the foundation of democracy, enable the people to choose their representatives by consensus of the majority. Consensus of the majority or the so called longer block, is also ubiquitous in the blockchain technology and is the basis for automatic network management (self-government), based on the agreement of most users.

Anonymous elections without the need to re-count the ballot papers

Data Chaining Technology enables impartial and transparent voting without a central counting system of results. Using the Ethereum blockchain network and smart contracts, everyone can cast their vote anonymously, making the process and election results transparent.

By casting votes over the blockchain, we can follow all the votes cast. In this way, anyone can check the number of votes cast and, due to the unchanging nature of the blockchain, confirm that no vote has been changed, deleted, or subsequently added.

Registration and voting process

Equal democracy for all

The elections on the blockchain are open to all citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Only e-mail address and valid Slovenian telephone number are needed for participation. The process is automated and it creates an Ethereum Wallet for every participant which will allow them to cast their vote. We do not yet want to change the existing system. The aim of the project is to test the technology in practice, so we decided to simplify the cooperation process as much as possible, thereby attracting a wider crowd to the vote.

About Principle

Principle explores more effective ways to validate decisions and resolve conflicts using a consensus of the majority on the blockchain. Principle, that started at the end of 2017 and currently includes 6 members, wants to launch an open source protocol on the Ethereum network in the second half of the year, which will facilitate organizations and individuals to resolve conflicts both on and off the blockchain.

