How to Join Principle World Cup 2018

Jan Vidic
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2018

World Cup 2018 has already displayed some really good matches, but the most interesting are yet to come — as your chance to win $15.000 in rewards. Not sure if you are a good football strategist? We challenge you to try, since you still get to receive a free airdrop! Now, to get started.

1. Register

On the landing page, click “Play now” and fill the registration form with you email and password. Once register, head to you email account and wait for the confirmation email to confirm you account. After clicking on the one-time confirmation link you land directly inside dApp dashboard with your settings panel open. You can close this panel and look around, however before you will be able to bet, you will have to enter your Metamask address. If you are not sure if you Metamask, read on, otherwise you can skip to step 3.

2. Install Metamask

Head to and install Metamask extension. After installing open the Metamask in the extension bar and create a new account.

  • Enter password for personal Metamask, that secures access to your Private Key
  • You will be presented with seed words, that you should save in case you ever forget your password or lose access to your computer.
  • Your Metamask is now ready to participate!

3. Connect your Metamask account

  • Open Metamask by clicking on the icon in the extension bar
  • Change network in the top left corner of the Metamask to “Ropsten Test Net” (Step 1 & 2)
  • Click on the three dotted icon (Step 3) and select “Copy Address to clipboard” (Step 4)
  • Open the settings panel by clicking on your name next to the “Log out” button
  • Paste the address value inside “Wallet Address” field.
  • Enter your nickname, that will be displayed on the leaderboard
  • Click “Save” and you are ready to bet!

4. Betting

This is why you are all here, right? Let’s get right to it!

  • In the top right corner, next to your nickname, your current balance is displayed. Since this is a dApp balance can change with delay, as all bets have to be confirmed on the Ropsten Ethereum network, before your balance is updated.
  • On the left side you have menu consisting of three choices. Each one has its own content. Let’s look at them one by one.

4.1 Menu — Upcoming

On the left side, upcoming matches are listed. Match items have multiple styles, which mean:

  • Normal style — Betting for this match is enabled.
  • Normal style with one option marked — Betting for this match is enabled and you have already placed bet on this match.
  • Transparent match — Betting for this match is not enabled yet.

Clicking on match item will open betting options on the right side. You can select what you think will be the correct outcome of a match and how many points you are willing to bet.

After you are sure, what bet you are willing to make, you have two options:

  • If this is the first time you are betting on this match click “Place bet
  • If you have already placed bet on this match and you want to change it, you can click “Change bet”. Because you are changing your bet a small penalty will be charged (10% of higher change value) and is displayed next to the button.

After clicking “Place bet” or “Change bet” buttons Metamask panel will show up, where you can click “Submit” and your bet will be placed on the Ethereum network. Important: do NOT change gas limit values.

4.2 Menu — History

By clicking on a match that was completed you can see available match statistics and outcome.

If you bet correctly, there will be a red “Claim reward” button below the match statistics panel. After clicking this button Metamask panel will show up, where you can click “Submit” and you will receive your winnings. Do NOT change gas limit values.

4.3 Menu — Leaderboard

On the left side leaderboard will be displayed, until then leaderboard is accessible by visiting Etherscan link, where token holders are displayed. On the right side you can invite friends to join and participate in betting and you can all earn some nice rewards.

5. Rewards & Referral

A total of $15.000 worth of PCI will be distributed among the participants. $5.000 is reserved for the best players and everyone will get a share of $10.000 airdrop 🎉🎁.

Share your personal referral link, accessible on the Leaderboard subpage and get one stake for each user that joins Principle World Cup dApp. More stakes you have, bigger 💸 airdrop you receive!

That’s it! Go ahead and bet on the your first match and as always, good luck with the predictions!

About Principle

Principle explores more effective ways to validate decisions and resolve conflicts using a consensus of the majority on the blockchain. Principle, that started at the end of 2017 and currently includes 6 members, wants to launch an open source protocol on the Ethereum network in the second half of the year, which will facilitate organizations and individuals to resolve conflicts both on and off the blockchain.


