8. Conversations for connection

Conversation: a tool for control or connection?

Image by Jesper Würtz

Most or all of us grew up in oppressive systems that reward conformity. Even in “free countries” we quickly become versed in the language of blame, criticism, comparison, and compliance. We become well practiced at using these tools to shame ourselves or others into submission. We are good at closing down or throwing up walls when we feel vulnerable.

Anyone working in social situations will undoubtedly run into conversational difficulties — within a group, among our team members, or within ourselves. What strategies do we have at our disposal to stay open, stay connected and being transformed by conflict rather than dodging or being defeated by it?

Lecture and activities

This session is a series of activities and very brief lectures to introduce leverage points useful for shifting a conversation.

Key Concepts

  • Listening as conflict resolution
  • Inquiry as disarmament
  • Nonviolent communication
  • Positions vs. needs
  • Emotional literacy



Hannah du Plessis
Principles, Approaches, and Methods for Social Innovation

Small body made in Africa. Medium life experience in leadership, art and design. Large drive to cultivate healthy creative cultures. Principal, Fit Associates.