Group project

Practice your skills with a group of your choosing


Conversations are at the heart of this work. Shifting and deepening a conversation is a skill we will practice together in this class. After you have identified a group of your choice, we will support you with the necessary experience, advice, facilitation guides and methods so that you can go out and facilitate a different conversation.

Types of things you will facilitate

Week two: Facilitate group agreements
Help a group understand what people need and are willing to offer for a group to work well together.

Week 3: Facilitate a good group beginning
Drawing from the activities we do in class, choose three activities you can do at the beginning of a group session that will help participants move towards “open mode.”

Week 4: Facilitate a group listening session
Help your group deepen their listening by using a dialogue method.

Week 5: Facilitate group reflection
Help your group slow down, step outside the tyranny of the urgent and reflect on your situation or culture.

Week 6: Enact a new pattern in your group
Drawing on the improvised approaches and role playing, look for moments in your group-life where you can influence events for the better.

Week 7: Summarize your learnings

