Tune your mind.

Dave Gray
Liminal thinking
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2016


Any instrument or tool that has some degree of complexity will get out of whack from time to time and need to be tuned or calibrated. Take a guitar, for example. If you are playing with an out-of-tune guitar, it does not matter how well you play, you will not be able to make beautiful music or harmonize with other instruments until you tune your guitar.

Your mind is no different. It is the primary instrument that you use to perceive and make sense of the world, and like any complex instrument, it gets out of whack from time to time. It does not make sense to use such a complex instrument every day without tuning it regularly. Liminal thinking is a way to keep your mind calibrated and in tune.

Tune your mind.



Dave Gray
Liminal thinking

Founder, XPLANE. Author, The Connected Company and Gamestorming http://xplaner.com