Heater coil experimentation

(Backdated: Nov. 8, 2016)

For some experimental validation, I made a preliminary heater coil out of 1 foot of nichrome wire and heated it up with a lab power supply. In order to handle the higher current that this application would require, I assembled my testing rig by using wire terminal crimps to physically constrain the nichrome wire in contact with 18AWG speaker wire (rated for over 7 amps over 50 feet). I was worried that soldering may not be reliable in a high-temperature environment, so crimps were the way to go.

Confirming my calculations from before, the coil drew the full 5 amps that the power supply was capable of providing. We’ll have to find a better power solution in the future.

Experimental heating coil!

Based on the success of this experiment, I’d say we’re clear to apply this to the actual extruder barrel!

