Sprint Review 2!

It’s time for a recap of Falcon! On Friday, November 6th, we had our second sprint review, but the first major one in front of all of the other teams. Overall, I think it was a successful outing! Here is the summary:

Our Team Learning Goals:

  • Design attractive electrical and mechanical components
  • Low level microcontroller communication
  • Maintain thorough and up-to-date documentation
  • Identify and prevent software failure modes
  • Design an elegant, integrated mechanical system

Our Sprint 0 Kaizen:

Spend the last 15–20 minutes of meetings documenting the significant work completed during the work session.

Our Sprint 2 Deliverables:

  • Blog with ongoing documentation ( hint: you’re reading it)
  • Purchase of ClearPath Servo Motors & suspension cables (final hardware)
  • Path generation and validation
  • Arduino control of servos
  • Fully built test platform
ClearPath Servo Motor. We purchased 3 of them as final hardware.

Our Integrated Product Thus Far:

Our Path Generation Validation:

The right shows a generated spline for the camera to move. The right shows the changing cable lengths from each node.

Our Biggests Current Risks:

  • Velocity vs position control for servos
  • Communication and latency
  • Flexible mounting nodes for full-scale model
  • Spooling mechanism

Our Biggest Sprint Decisions:

  • Communication protocol — Serial Port vs SPI vs I2
  • Documentation style
  • Hardware final purchases (motors & cables)
ClearPath Servo Motor Torque Curves

Our Sprint 3 Goals:

  • Directional control of camera
  • Control servos using Arduinos from Raspberry Pi over I2C
  • Website complete (and on POE website)
  • Finalized mechanical design
  • Power supply purchase
  • Continue to document

Our Feedback:

We got 26 responses to our presentation. Among a general feedback and suggestions section, we had these two scaled questions, graphed below:

I think we are on track for a great project! And the people seem to agree. Stay tuned!



Keenan Zucker
Principles of Engineering — Falcon

Software Engineer @Kojo. Formerly @Lever. Olin College of Engineering '18.