
Sandra Bae
Principles & Practice of User Experience
2 min readMay 18, 2015

For the Unitrans website, my partner Isbael and I are trying to solve what could be the best user experience when navigating through the website. Because the website contains numerous and various different types of information, it is important to keep in mind how to present all these informations effectively and straightfowardly.

In order to first figure out the problem of the current website, we interviewed five different candidates, all from different backgrounds. From these interviews, we’ve learned that there is nothing necessarily wrong with the actual website itself, but peeople have said that they wished it was less cluttered. When looking at the original website, it contains a lot of text books on one page, which distracts the user from his goal. The goal for most of the time was to find the time for the next bus.

From this information, we wanted to measure the success of our designs by having a qualitative metric. With the new design we will simply ask the users if the user-interface was easier to navigate compared to the current design. We can also be quantitative by measuring the duration of the stay with Google Analytics.

As students and interviewing other students, we know that we all look at the Unitrans website when we’re at a rush. So with this in mind, we wanted to create a user interface that’s very minimal and presents the information the students want (the time when the next bus is coming) in a clear manner. With this goal in mind, we faced challenges when we were trying to present the information all minimally. There was so many information that it was difficult to try to keep page minimal. The easiest part was determining was what was relevant or not, but because there’s so many information a user needs to know about the bus schedule (the times, the routes, etc) it was difficult to present it minimally.

With the design sketches, we were able to design our initial wireframes because. We first decided to wireframe the homepage, the most important page because we felt that that was the page most people would be seeing.

From the feedback, most people are showing positive responses as we are considering all the Davis community and not the students and how the audience agrees that the current website is very cluttered.

The next step is to continue to create wireframes for all the existing pages .



Sandra Bae
Principles & Practice of User Experience

PhD Student at the ATLAS Institute at CU Boulder. Data visualization, material science, computing, women in tech.