Unitrans Study


http://unitrans.ucdavis.edu/ is the Unitrans web app that helps you plan your trips, check bus arrivals, and look up routes. It’s a web app that serves both the UC Davis student body as well as locals, and therefore anyone looking for a ride around town— and its also a bit dated.

I worked on developing the visual language around the Unitrans brand for the past few weeks with my partner Shang Lu. From the get-go we broke the website down into a few key components which were the following: Trip planning, arrival predictions, routes, fares, news, and an about section. Collaborating for a project like this was interesting to say the least. We had a lot of success with ideation but struggled when it came to collaborating on conceptual parameters such as visuals and form. However, this could be due to the rocket-ship like pace of the quarter system which sucks up everyones time.

Anyway, here are some goodies from this quarters adventure through the magical woods of Principles & Practice of User Experience.

Information overload. https://medium.com/@shanglu/c034685f1e02
A (super) barebones wireframe of the Unitrans website.
My first goal was to create a logo and color palette that evoked the fun feeling of taking the Unitrans.
Vector work in Sketch isn’t all that bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mockup draft.

The current state of the Unitrans web app is a crime against humanity. So, I subtracted all of the clutter and modularized the core components of the website such as the trip planner, arrivals predictor and the routes feature. All things considered, my main focus was to minimize the information overhead and present the key components in a organized manner that informed a refreshing UX.

Final mockup.
Routes! (modal)

Thanks for reading! I recommend you have a look at the work my partner, Shang Lu, did to enjoy our Unitrans redesign in it’s entirety. https://medium.com/@shanglu/c034685f1e02

