New Feature : Vendor Marketplace

Printex (PRTX)
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018

Discover the benefits of working with Printex

Printex allows you to create new unique textile and product according to your own taste in order to develop your own shop. You will be able to sell your own creation at the price you want and Printex will take care of everything. The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to worry about the logistic.

Your product will be completely handled by Printex, so you can focus on working on the further development of your company and on the way you will be able to generate sales.

The main benefits are the low cost for the inventory of your products and to manage your Printex orders.

No more hassle with the logistic

You don’t have to manage your inventory, to prepare the parcels and to send them. That’s a great benefit as managing the shipping can be very time consuming. I still remember all those sleepless nights I had to spend preparing some parcels in order to meet the shipping deadlines. Nothing could make me wish to do it again. I am sure I am not the only one who has experienced this. Most of the Internet sellers still remember some evenings when they had to pack and prepare the orders.

A great customer service provided directly by Printex

Furthermore, there is the hassle of customer service, in particular complaints concerning delayed shipping or damaged parcels, or about a wrong shipping address, etc. With Printex, you don’t have to worry about this anymore. Printex team will manage the customer service of all the products they provide you with. There is no more need to answer any complaint emails at 4am in the morning! You will take full advantage of the customer service available 24/7 in every language for your customers.

A time saving marketplace

You will save some precious time that you will be able to use as you wish: you can spend more time with your family, get more leisure time, and even work on other more valuable tasks for your company that will increase its performance and its turnover. The time you save from preparing parcels will be very useful in order for you to improve your company.

Sales in one click. As soon as the customer orders the product, Printex will take over; they will prepare the parcels, ship it and take care of the customer service in the native language of your customer.

Only one thing for you to do — PROMOTING YOUR SHOP

Now, you just need to promote your shop! Printex takes care of everything else ;). Therefore these are the only actions you need to overtake:

1 — Create your products (T-shirts, mugs, cover, etc.) on the Printex Textile platform.

2 — Add your creations in your shop!

3 — Define your selling price and write the description

4 — Publicize your shop to your potential customers

That’s all you have to do! For each and every sale through your shop, Printex takes care of everything.

Summary of the benefits you get while working with Printex

1 — No more logistic to handle

With Printex Vendor Marketplace, you don’t need to manage any inventory. You simply create your products through the platform and add them in your shop. Then you just need to publicize your shop and that’s the only task you have to work on. Printex teams takes care of shipping the products to yours customers after they order it, and they handle the product returns and the customer service.

2 — You choose, you are in complete control and completely free

You are completely free to add whatever you want in your shop and to sell the products at the price you desire (nevertheless a minimum price is recommended).

3 — Save time

As you already understood, you will save a lot of time as you don’t have to deal with the daily task of managing shipping and as you don’t need to worry about customer service.

Indeed, Printex will take care of:

- storing your products

- selling your products

- shipping your products

- managing the payments

- handling the customer service

You just need to collect the benefits of the sales (minus the commission) through a simple bank transfer which will be done every two weeks.

Soon Available :
This feature will be in use on September 6, 2018 after our tests if our tests are conclusive.

