Anddddd the mid-sem break is over! :(

Print "Hello World"
3 min readSep 30, 2018

Hey guys, Ray here with another update on my project! I can’t believe that the mid-sem break is nearly over and I’ve spent most of my free time just working on the proposal (how uneventful…). How was everyone’s break though? Any fun travels or events? Please, I need something to read other than project related stuff otherwise I might go crazy.

I’ve been working on it a lot mainly because I emailed Mike my draft on Monday and I got so much helpful feedback from him within a day — it was amazing. Is that normal though?? Were your supervisors quick to review your proposal? I met up with him to go through it and oh man was there a lot of red. He even had to start with a disclaimer that I shouldn’t be too worried about all the edits because this is what he does with all his students. Nonetheless, the adjustments were not without a good purpose. We went through his suggestions and already, the flow of my report seemed so much better. As much as the peer review feedback helped, this was much more specific and detailed, given that he’s an expert in the research area. Towards the end of the meeting he said that he reviewed it thoroughly and quickly because he felt bad for feeling like had slightly neglected me (cos he’s been especially busy this semester) and I was so shocked. Neglected me?? I thought I was blessed to have him as a supervisor because he was so communicative, especially compared to some of what the other interns have said. What about you guys, how has your relationship been with your supervisor?

On that note, honours applications are coming up soon (crazy right?) and for those thinking of doing honours, have you had a think about who to put in your preferences? Sticking with who have now or possibly leaning towards a different research area/person? Personally, I would like someone in the clinical area, but I know that they’re super popular. That being said though, I know a good relationship with your supervisor is just as important (if not, more) as the research area. Mike is a great supervisor in my opinion and although cognition was not what I was initially attracted to, he’s actually made it so interesting. But I obviously don’t want to have tunnel vision so I’ll probably reach out and chat to other supervisors and see what/who I like.

In terms of data, I’ve almost reached my goal of 30 participants but definitely running out of fuel here. Sign ups have slowed down recently and I’ve had to come to uni on my off days just for 1 or 2 participants. Do I sacrifice too much of my time for first year psychology students? (Rhetorical question, don’t say yes cos I’m in in denial). Mike even said “don’t pop a blood vessel trying to get all the data” but that feeling of popping a blood vessel is nowhere near as bad as letting him down. Are you guys like that, I just constantly want to impress my supervisor because who knows what Mike gossips to Tom Beesley and Peter Lovibond right? Word about us students gets around I swear.

Hope everyone’s had a cruisy mid-break and is re-energised to get back into it next week. Good luck with proposal writing!!

Catch you on the flip side,

Ray :)

