Pressing the ‘Up’ Button to Elevate Your PR Game

Stefanie Magness, Publicist
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2023

In the world of Public Relations, your elevator pitch better be on point because, let’s face it, the PR game is all about rising to the occasion. In this fast-paced industry, the elevator doors open and close quickly, and you need to be ready to step up when your moment arrives. So, how can you elevate your PR game and reach the coveted top floor of success? Let’s embark on a thrilling elevator ride through the world of PR!

1. Level Up Your Storytelling: PR is all about telling your story in a way that captivates your audience. Think of it as crafting the perfect elevator pitch — it needs to be engaging, concise, and memorable. Elevate your storytelling skills, and you’ll leave a lasting impression on anyone who steps into your PR elevator.

2. Networking: The Elevator Lobby: Every elevator has a lobby where people gather before stepping in. This is where relationships are formed. In PR, networking is your elevator lobby. Building connections with the right people can open doors you never thought possible. So, mingle in the lobby, exchange business cards, and watch your network soar to new heights.

3. Rise Above the Noise: The PR world can get loud and crowded, much like a bustling elevator. To stand out, you need to rise above the noise. This means being creative, innovative, and persistent. Find unique angles to your stories, pitch your ideas confidently, and you’ll find yourself elevating your PR game.

4. Be the Lift Operator: Just as the lift operator knows the ins and outs of their elevator, you need to understand your industry. Stay updated, know the latest trends, and be the go-to person who operates the elevator with confidence and expertise.

5. Elevator Music: Consistency: Elevator music might be mundane, but it’s consistent. In PR, consistency is key. Keep your messaging, branding, and efforts consistent across all platforms. This will help create a harmonious and recognizable tune in your PR elevator.

6. Sky-High Confidence: Finally, don’t forget the most essential element — confidence. When you step into the PR elevator, your confidence is your beacon. Be confident in your abilities, in your story, and in the value you bring to the table.

So, are you ready to elevate your PR game? Press that ‘Up’ button and let’s embark on a journey to the top floor of PR success. The view from up there is extraordinary!



Stefanie Magness, Publicist

Passionate publicist at Elevate U PR, crafting narratives that resonate. Expert in media relations, brand elevation, and digital strategy.