Weeknote: Why “The One Document” Probably Doesn’t Exist

Weeknote #8

Angela Obias-Tuban
Priority Post
1 min readAug 1, 2018


Two main things I learned:

1. Career Goals aren’t “Life Goals”.

That I have to now consider new opportunities not just in terms of career goals, but total-person goals. Since I now have life goals that pretty much supersede pure “career”. Thank you, Nikki.

2. There is no One-Document-to-rule-them-all

It’s really difficult to find one form of documentation that meets all team needs. Why?

Different perspectives of the product require different information.

  • A tech team will need functionalities. Not just a “list”, but prioritized by “need-to-build” and nice-to-haves.
  • The team making business decisions will need to understand what they need to do, by when — phasing: scope plus preparations and impact to current operations.
  • The team in charge of the user-facing experience will need to communicate the sequence or flow that they want people to see and feel — then all the elements they need to create to make that happen.

That alone alludes to 3 different documents.

I’m tempted to try that “one realtimeboard to rule them all” article I saw, but we shall see.

Most useful link I’ve seen this week:

via Facebook’s Jonathan Colman

Upgoer Five



Angela Obias-Tuban
Priority Post

Researcher and data analyst who works for the content and design community. Often called an experience designer. Consultant at http://priority-studios.com