Weeknote: You live and die by your users.

Weeknote #6

Angela Obias-Tuban
Priority Post
2 min readOct 21, 2016


Your users are the lifeline of your digital business.

Especially when you’re a startup. You have funding, of course. That keeps you running (and you definitely have to take care of that, too).

But, even if you had funding, but people hated you… Well, then you go back to the drawing board and think of something better.

It’s quite the experience witnessing a lean startup team handle customer issues. And, specifically, handle them with grace. Especially when you’re a transactional product that deals with people’s personal information and money (e-commerce and booking sites, or anything with a person’s financial details and purchases).

What we know about work, we owe — not only to our formal education and our jobs, but also to the forward-thinking designers, developers, researchers,product managers and teams who choose to share their processes and lessons (for free) on Youtube, blogs, websites and MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) tutorials. This is the spirit of designing in the open. Where design teams show their process and what they learn along the way. This is done to grow the knowledge base of the industry, and also to get feedback and dialogue going about the work.

(If you’re interested in reading more about the beauty of open design, you can read this.)

We share what we experience in these weeknotes. To respect our clients’ confidentiality, we won’t directly post details about them. Everything we share here are the opinions (and life lessons) of the writer.

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Angela Obias-Tuban
Priority Post

Researcher and data analyst who works for the content and design community. Often called an experience designer. Consultant at http://priority-studios.com