These Asian VC Funds Will Evaluate Our Spring Tour Participants

Priority Token
Priority Token
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

The preparations to the Tour are going full swing. Every day more and more VC funds check in to confirm their participation. As of now, we are expecting to see about 60 funds in total, including Node Capital, Fenbushi Capital, JRR Capital, Consensus Fund, Huobi Capital, Genesis Capital, and a number of others. To learn about other funds, please contact us (see contacts below), and we will provide a full list upon your request.

We also receive a flow of requests from all kinds of projects longing to take part in the Tour and to pitch their ideas to 80+ investors from China and South Korea — the two largest investment markets for fintech and blockchain ventures.

The exposure you need

In as little as one week you will pitch your concept to 80+ handpicked private and institutional investors in 4 blockchain capitals in Asia who have already contributed to projects like yours. Moreover, 50 media outlets will issue reports mentioning your project.

Save you time and effort

We’ve already arranged everything: comfortable conference halls equipped with all the necessary facilities, professional live translation, personal interpreters for the networking sessions.

Full support from Priority Token

Our participants enjoy full support of the Priority Token Team. We’ve already helped 50+ projects to raise $200+ M, and we can transform your project from good to great, too.

Contact us now to learn more about our Spring Asian Tour, and to find out if your project has what it takes to be a part of it.

To apply, please contact us:


Telegram messenger: @evolkova

