[Error Solution] Windows Error Guide — Guide to formatting error message inquiries

PRISM Live Studio. Official
PRISM Live Studio
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2022

Hey everyone! This is PRISM Live Studio team :)

There is a possibility that an error may occur when using a prism. Symptoms or solutions related to some problems can be found in the category ‘ERROR SOLUTION’. And some errors require detailed analysis because their causes are complex. Accordingly, we ask that you send it to our representative email prismlive@navercorp.com. For your reference, if you submit the information below, it will help us to find a solution.

# Unique number

Click the profile icon at the top right of the app and check the unique number in the Prism account area. A string that starts with Pr .

# Take a screenshot of the problem or take a picture of the problem and attach it (video link available)

If the network or usage environment changes, the problem may not appear again, so it may be difficult to determine the exact phenomenon by text alone. So, please take a screenshot or film it and report it.

# When the problem occurs

Please share the time period when the problem occurred. Many logs are left, so if you share the time zone, you can check the cause more quickly.​

# Specifications of PC equipment

When a problem occurs, please share the specifications of the PC equipment you are using. (Example) CPU, RAM, GPU, graphic card, switcher, camera, etc.

We would be very grateful if you could provide us with the above information.

thank you :)

* Contact: prismlive@navercorp.com
* Discord: discord.gg/9j7mFY5g9a
* Youtube: youtube.com/@prismlivestudio

