A Baby Story

By a lesbian afraid of pregnancy

Rebecca N. Herz
Prism & Pen


Photo by Ömürden Cengiz on Unsplash

I don’t need to make a fuss
of pregnancy to get on board
the perfect mother bus

inflate like a balloon and thus
become a woman moving forward
with her life and finding purpose

be a seal in their sea world
flipping out and in and toward
the crowd. No, that’s not us

you can bear the burden
I’ll rub your feet and fill your cravings
help to envision the child that’ll come to be

on their own terms without our brilliant ideals
yes I’m still a woman and I don’t need saving
yes I want a child but without the paparazzi

I want to witness birth without the frills
or fever or chills
or contractions or distractions

or films or stills
or likes or reactions
I want our baby, baby

but you’ve got the skills

