A Gay Pride Litmus Test: We Are the Rainbow Canaries

Our nation stands, but our civil society has fallen.

Henry Lee Butler
Prism & Pen


Photo by Raphael Renter | @raphi_rawr on Unsplash

The foundation of a civil society is the capacity of its members to recognize and value the humanity of others. No matter the differences in belief or ideology or appearance, at our core we are human; that is the first element of identity. Whatever we may seek to be in this world, it is built on our humanity.

The question is what does it mean to be human? Rumination and conversation on the nature of humanity may be passé, but without them we descend into the current inhumanity we experience daily.

Like any tribe, there are membership requirements to being human. While we are not having conversations about the nature of humanity, we are certainly having arguments about who’s allowed to be human. While many to most who are willing to take up the debate on what constitutes the human happily rely on religious texts and emotional arguments, when it comes to the question of LGBTQ humans, they tend to become rigid naturalists. Such rigidity expressed by ‘homosexuality is unnatural.’ The essential fact is being human isn’t a birthright, being human requires a commitment to value others as one values themselves.

LGBTQ people have been here since mammals sprouted a branch on the evolutionary tree…



Henry Lee Butler
Prism & Pen

No one in particular seeking to diminish ego and accentuate Self, partaking in life with a beginner’s mind. (He/Him/His) henry.lee.writes@gmail.com