A Monkeypox Vaccine at My First Colorado Pride?

There was a long line full of scantily clad beautiful people waiting for something

Logan Silkwood
Prism & Pen


Photo by a Kind Stranger of Your Distracted Author Blocking a Colorado Pride Flag

I had no idea I was going to get offered a Monkey Pox vaccine that afternoon! I thought I was in line to proudly show the free Aurora Pride ticket I’d downloaded online. I’d never been to a Pride event outside of North Carolina, so I was excited that there was spontaneously an event in Aurora, Colorado last Saturday, despite it being August.

With such a lovely lakeside event on a gorgeous day, it was understandable that there would be a very long line full of scantily clad beautiful people waiting to enter. What I wasn’t expecting was for a masked nurse to approach me in the entrance line and start asking some questions that made me blush.

I looked around, confused. Did I really have to answer questions about who I’d had sex with over the last 14 days to enter Pride? This was different. When they asked if I was in line for the Monkey Pox vaccine, it all made sense.

“We only have 400 doses today, so we want to focus on the people who need it most. That’s what the questions are for. We want to give vaccines only to the people most likely to have been exposed.”



Logan Silkwood
Prism & Pen

I’m a polyamorous, non-binary trans man (he/him). I edit for Queerly Trans, Prism & Pen, Enbyous, and Trans Love & (A)Sexuality. Twitter: @logan_silkwood.