Almost a Woman: A Transgender Woman’s Constant Doubt …

on her journey to be herself

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Grappling with the concept of gender is like intellectually trying to get hold of a greasy pig.

It is hard to grasp.

If you are cisgender then gender is not complicated for you. Your gender and your biological sex are in alignment. There is no confusion.

If you doubt your gender, then there is a good chance that you could be transgender.

You can be gay, straight, or a lesbian and still be cisgender. If you are insulted by the term cisgender then you need to understand that as scientific, medical, and social analysis evolves, so too does the language.

For example, twenty years ago the words bitcoin, selfies, hashtag, emojis, and memes didn’t exist.

Fifty years ago there were dozens of hateful words describing minorities, nationalities, religious groups, and members of the LGBTQ community that are considered socially unacceptable in today’s world.

What does “cisgender” mean?

Cisgender describes someone whose internal sense of gender corresponds with the sex the person was identified as having at birth. How can you be insulted by that definition? It is used to differentiate you from…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.