Am I a Liar? The Transgender Moral Dilemma.

I continue to dwell in my self-imposed gender twilight zone.

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


My gender camouflage.

Professionally and in my existing family/friend world, I am seen as a man. My voice is deep, I still have to shave and even though I have breasts, they are seen as normal for a 66-year-old male.

They all buy into the male façade. I did as well for 60 years.

I started hormones five years ago after two years of rabid denial, thoughts of suicide, and an explosion of emotions that were out of control until, out of desperation, I sought out professional advice.

My gender dysphoria was so intense that it took two psychiatrists, a psychologist, two endocrinologists, three surgeons, and months of sleepless nights to finally overcome decades of self-denial.

I am a stone-cold baby boomer with deep gender binary roots.

If that is what it took for me to overcome my gender bias, how can I expect any better from my cisgender contemporaries? They have even more to overcome than me to even try to understand.

Forget about acceptance.

I know from other transgender friends that acceptance is possible but I have to be willing to hurt the people I love most to completely…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.