Honest Talk About Cis Gay Men Who Aren’t Attracted to Trans Men

I’m trans myself, but…

Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen


Handsome Asian guy with cool hair and pose. With mysterious shadows.
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe

In an LGBTQ+ Facebook group, a cis gay man declared, “I respect trans people’s identities. But if a trans man comes for a hookup, and he pulls down his pants, I won’t be interested.”

A trans female friend, Lyra, was the admin of the group. She was mad and deleted his post.

Some people applauded her decision, but others grumbled that an admin shouldn’t delete a post just because they disagreed with it. Some other folks stated that sexual preference is different from the acceptance of other people’s identities.

I agreed with Lyra’s decision, and we commiserated over the guy’s transphobic post. Lyra added, nobody is forcing these men to date trans people, but it’s so bigoted to say that they won’t date (or sleep with) any trans people.

Indeed. However, a secret part of me was bothered by something, but I was too afraid to voice this out loud.

It does hurt to hear cis gay guys say that they aren’t attracted to trans men. It’s also unfair that we are discriminated against for something that was never our fault.

I hated the insinuation that trans men were less attractive than cis men, too.



Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect! https://the-transgender-therapist.ck.page/fiction-writing