A Heart to Heart (Anastasia the Nonbinary Dragon)

The dragon’s voice was haunting yet melodic, and the sound echoed in the calf’s ears.

Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen
Published in
8 min readJul 17, 2022


Illustration of a flying dragon with wings outstretched, against a black to grey-scale background.
Image courtesy of Ravven licensed from DepositPhotos

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A rainstorm struck that night.

Water splashed violently through the leaves, drenching everything into a wretched, sodden mess.

Ero huddled with Anastasia in a burrow that the dragon had dug out. Ze was incredibly swift at digging. This was how Ana had broken into the dark cage to save the calf, by burrowing and using dragon fire to melt the cage base.

The calf was warm despite the torrential downpour outside, as Ana practically radiated with dragon heat. He wanted to talk to zir about the milk bottle, the Valley, the Valve dragons, anything. But Anastasia was quiet tonight.

Ero didn’t want to push his luck, either. Ana had clearly been upset about the milk bottle’s appearance, even more so than Ero had.

Anastasia wanted to keep a lookout for any other intruders. But ze refused to say any more…



Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!