An Ominous Change (Anastasia the Nonbinary Dragon)

The palace was brightly illuminated, but there was something strange and threatening in the air.

Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen
Published in
7 min readSep 24, 2022


A glorious, brightly-lit red palace. There is a big red dragon hidden in the background.
A.I. image generated by author via Nightcafe

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When they entered the palace, Anastasia was not prepared for the gloom that surged over them.

The palace was brightly illuminated, but there was something strange and threatening in the air.

Ero nuzzled against Ana’s haunches. He had shifted back into a calf, as he felt oddly vulnerable in human form.

Lucille glanced at her son and looked like she was about to say something. But she frowned and turned her head away again. Lance and Demiel had shifted to human form, as a courtesy to the queen, and because they were huge.

Ana was small enough to not have to transform. Plus, ze was royalty and did not need to conform to these rules. This was zir home, after all.

Mildred, Mateo, and Lucille were still in human form.



Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!