Are Gargoyles Non-Binary? Why Not?

If so, and someone asks how gargoyle reproduction works, can I just accuse them of having a dirty mind?

Jack Herlocker
Prism & Pen


Color illustration of small gargoyle and two larger gargoyles.
Gunther and his mom and— sorry, Gunther and his parents— wait, no, Gunther and their parents. (Illustration by Nancy Korycinski, used with permission.)

Many years ago, I made up a story for our young nephew (who is now 30) about a young gargoyle named Gunther, based on a stuffed gargoyle that had scared him a little. I told how Gunther never quite fit in as a gargoyle, and how the other gargoyle kids teased him, and how one day he learned he had a special gift… only it wasn’t very useful, until one day it was, and he could be a guardian gargoyle like his parents, protecting their building. I named it The Story of Gunther (yes, I know, I need a snappier title — I’m not good with titles).

I had thoughts of self-publishing it as a kids’ book, but getting a professional illustrator is expensive. My wife has written three books for kids that we self-published, with a pro illustrator, and we will never make a profit on them. (Still totally worth it! In case you were wondering.)

And then one day Nancy, a friend of ours, offered to take a swing at…



Jack Herlocker
Prism & Pen

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.