Are You a Transgender Man or a Transgender Woman?

Like climbers to Mt. Everest, we were both on our own individual gender paths happy to find company on our journey

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen



I was getting coffee from a small, neighborhood non-Starbucks coffee shop this week. I hate Starbucks coffee and I hate that they are everywhere. I love local places who get to know you without putting my name on a cup.

I was still in my Pride month positive vibe.

I noticed that the person helping me was wearing a transgender button on the shirt collar. The person was young about college age. There was no one behind me so I pulled back my shirt sleeve and displayed my transgender bracelet.

I assumed that she preferred female because she physically looked and sounded female, wearing a bra under her shirt as well as light make up but I wasn’t sure. I made a gender assumption and I wasn’t trying to clock her at all. I didn’t want to insult her and kept my assumption to myself.

It turned out she wasn’t sure about me either.

I broke the ice first.

As I showed her my bracelet and said “Happy Pride”. Her face immediately lit up. I said further, “I am transgender.” adding that I have been on hormones for five years.



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.