The Cycles of Revelation Series

Artifact of the Dawn (A Queer Sci-Fi Adventure)

Introduction and Episode Guide

Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen
Published in
11 min readMar 15, 2023


Welcome to “Artifact of the Dawn,” a serialized science-fiction adventure featuring queer main characters, written by a queer author.

Ardyn discovers a mysterious glowing artifact, inscribed with the ancient script of the Athla’naa and made from finely crafted metal; it is a piece out of time.

In a quest to seek the truth behind this artifact, Ardyn meets Jevan. Risking both their lives and the tenuous peace between their people, they venture deep into forbidden woods.

When they discover the truth, they realize it could forever change their world. Will they reveal what they find, or keep it to themselves?

This story is the first part of my “Cycles of Revelation” series. I will be posting three episodes per week to Medium, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Episode Guide



Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen

An autistic, gay, transgender man writing queer fiction and about LGBTQ issues, focused on the transgender community. (He/Him)