The Cycles of Revelation Series

Artifact of the Dawn: Catching Up (A Queer Sci-Fi Adventure)

Episode 45: Back at the Rahn’naa, Ardyn and Jevan catch up on what they missed while they were away.

Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen
Published in
5 min readJun 23, 2023


Ardyn awoke the next day feeling more rested than he had in a long while. Getting away from everything for most of the previous day helped, especially learning that Jevan was equally overwhelmed.

Looking over at the still sleeping man, Ardyn contemplated their relationship. While circumstances had forced them together, he couldn’t deny that his feelings for Jevan were deepening. It didn’t hurt that Jevan was always so sweet and understanding. Don’t forget charming and attractive, Ardyn reminded himself with a smirk.

Ever since they’d forced him to mate with Cylaen and the others, Ardyn had avoided sexual relationships. Well, there was that one ranger, Ardyn recalled. After the incident in Ahren, Ardyn became friendly with a ranger named Laedyn, whose range bordered his new one.

Ardyn had spent little time with Laedyn in Maala’naa, as their families lived on opposite ends of the settlement, but they struck up a friendship as they crossed paths during their patrols. Soon they deliberately ranged so they could spend every few…



Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen

An autistic, gay, transgender man writing queer fiction and about LGBTQ issues, focused on the transgender community. (He/Him)