The Cycles of Revelation Series

Artifact of the Dawn: Closer (A Queer Sci-Fi Adventure)

Episode 44: Ardyn and Jevan grow closer.

Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2023


They continued in companionable silence for a long while, each lost in their own thoughts, when Ardyn recognized where they were heading. A moment later, he spotted the small structure they had first found when exploring the Aria’una.

“I thought we could grab our old packs and bring them back with us,” Jevan said, pulling the old key out of his pocket and handing it to Ardyn with a sly grin. “There are a couple of things in mine I’d like to have, like that hairbrush my sister gave me.”

Ardyn opened the door and saw that everything was still exactly how they’d left it. “What did Cytra call this? An… airlock?”

“Yeah,” Jevan replied. “I asked Cytra to explain that to me once. When this ship is in space, the airlock is a way for the crew to get outside and make repairs without letting all the air out of the ship. That’s why there’s that other door inside.”

“So, we could get back inside the ship this way?” Ardyn asked, realizing that the Rahn’naa extended out this far into the forest.

“If that inside door worked, we could,” Jevan replied. “I don’t think they’ve started repairs on this…



Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen

An autistic, gay, transgender man writing queer fiction and about LGBTQ issues, focused on the transgender community. (He/Him)