The Cycles of Revelation Series

Artifact of the Dawn: Denyra (A Queer Sci-Fi Adventure)

Episode 46: Communication is established with Commander Denyra from Aria’naa, who informs Takyra that her ship will be arriving soon.

Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2023


Takyra stood and acknowledged the message. “I’ll be right there!” she said before dashing out of the door. Everyone looked at each other before hurrying after her, wanting to know what was going on. Once they reached the elevator, Takyra looked at the group gathered around her. “Mathias, can you take Tomas and Aron to the dining hall? I don’t want too many people in the control center right now, but I promise to fill you all in later.”

“Alright,” Mathias agreed. “I’ll trust Jevan to represent our people’s interests.”

Following Takyra into the elevator with Jevan and Aerys, Ardyn felt a knot of apprehension he couldn’t explain. I should be excited about more subspace communications, shouldn’t I?

When they reached the control center, Takyra quickly made her way to the main communications station and replaced the tech who sat there. Her hands flew over the controls as she opened up a communications channel to listen to the message.



Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen

An autistic, gay, transgender man writing queer fiction and about LGBTQ issues, focused on the transgender community. (He/Him)