As a Queer Person, I Hate Being Asked About My Own Self Care

It’s a struggle to be queer today, especially as someone who doesn’t know how to answer this query…

The Transgender Therapist
Prism & Pen


Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

CW: Transphobic comments mentioned.

The world is ever more discouraging for me as a queer person. The public political fights about abortion rights in the US has taken a sickening twist into everybody bashing trans and nonbinary (TGNB) people, regardless of which side of the issue they belong to. Being pro-choice or anti-choice does not determine if one hates TGNB people; it merely influences the flavor of that hate.

Reading news about the backlash against LGBTQ+ people in the United States, and the world at large, makes me feel unwell after a while. I see the same transphobic comments over and over again. *Only women can get pregnant.* *You are born a male or female and nothing you do can change that.* *Trans men are just mentally ill women.* *Your feelings don’t override science.* *That person isn’t a “biological” female.* Sometimes it becomes a masochistic ritual. I know that I’m going to see this shit in certain places, and I access those online spaces anyway.

I experience dysphoria more and more intensely as my own top surgery date nears. My therapist told me that a recent presenter at a WPATH…



The Transgender Therapist
Prism & Pen

Queer, white trans man living in the Pacific Northwest with a grudge and a sharp tongue.