Bears in the Hay — In a Safe Way

Practical advice and encouragement, from one bear to another

Prism & Pen
6 min readJun 12, 2024


Hey there, fellow bears! As proud members of the bear community, we understand the primal instincts and desires that define us. From rugged exteriors to our tender hearts, we embrace it all. But navigating intimacy can feel like trekking through uncharted territory.

I’ve started drafting this article a few times, but now I’m finally committed enough to see it through. Just to clarify upfront: I’m not a medical professional, nor do I work in healthcare. However, this piece aims to provide tips for safe sex with a touch of humor and positivity. So, grab a seat, pour yourself a honey-infused beverage, and let’s dive into this adventure together!

Picture this: a bear party, a smooth beat on the dance floor, and two bears locked in a passionate embrace. Familiar, right? We’re no strangers to desire, and why should we be? It’s a natural part of who we are, something to celebrate! Safe sex enhances pleasure and peace of mind, ensuring we enjoy the journey without worry. While abstinence is the only 100% effective prevention, practicing safe sex radically reduces the risks, allowing us to have playful encounters without compromising safety.

Let’s dive into a crucial aspect of safe and enjoyable encounters: communication. In the wild world of intimacy, speaking your mind and listening with an open heart are essential.

Consent is key.

It’s not just about saying “yes” but about enthusiastic, ongoing agreement. Before diving in, ensure you and your partner are on the same page.

Picture this: cozying up with a handsome bear, things heating up, and questions bubbling in your mind. Don’t keep them bottled up! Speak up and let your voice be heard. Remember, communication isn’t just about talking; it’s also about listening. Respect your partner’s boundaries and desires — it’s sexy to understand and be understood.

Gearing Up for Safer Sex

Just like any seasoned adventurer, we need to ensure we’ve got the right gear for our escapades. And what’s at the top of my checklist, you ask? Well, let me spill the tea! Personally, I’m firmly on #teamcondom. Yep, that probably reveals a bit about my age (mid-40s), but hey, classics never go out of style, right? Condoms are my trusty sidekick in the quest for pleasure and protection. There’s a whole treasure trove of options out there just waiting to be discovered. From ribbed to flavored, (not to forget glow-in-the-dark, perfect for a tango in the dark) the variety is endless. The benefits? Condoms offer stronger protection against a wide range of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than other methods.

No adventure would be complete without a bit of lubrication! Whether you’re a fan of silicone-based or water-based, flavored or tingling, lube is like the Swiss Army knife of safe sex — versatile, reliable, and slippery. So go ahead, put it on and get ready to glide into pleasure town with ease. Now, we’ve all heard the horror stories about condoms breaking, but here’s a little insider tip from my MD-ex: condoms slipping is actually more common. That’s where using the right lubricant comes in handy. Make sure it’s not oil-based, or you might find yourself in a sticky situation.

Exploring PrEP

As a proud member of #teamcondom, I haven’t ventured into the world of PrEP just yet. PrEP is short for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, just a fancy way to say anti-HIV medication you take regularly when you don’t have HIV. Taking PrEP can reduce the odds of acquiring HIV by 99 %, even if you’re exposed to HIV during sex.

I have friends who swear by PrEP, and their stories are nothing short of inspiring. One buddy was so anxious about sex, even with a condom, but now he’s living his best life with both PrEP and condoms, embracing the adventure with newfound confidence. Another friend? He’s never been on #teamcondom, struggling with intimacy, anxiety, and depression, feeling unworthy of attention or a deeper connection. Since starting PrEP, he’s become more positive, found new self-worth by taking care of his health, and it’s completely changed his outlook on life.

The change in his behavior is drastic. PrEP has truly been a game-changer for them in the realm of safer sex, providing a layer of protection against HIV and reducing the risk of contracting it.

If you are considering PrEP, you should have a conversation with healthcare personnel who can inform you about potential side effects.

If you are partnered and considering taking the plunge into PrEP territory, it’s essential to have an open and honest discussion about it. Share your motivations for wanting to explore PrEP — whether it’s for that added peace of mind, an extra level of protection, or any other reason that speaks to you. And don’t forget to encourage your partner to voice any questions or concerns they may have. After all, tackling this journey together means finding the best solution for both of you, one bear hug at a time.

PEP: A Safety Net

While I haven’t found myself needing it yet, let’s talk about PEP. Imagine this: a condom breaks, slips off, or maybe you missed a dose of your PrEP pills— PEP can swoop in to save the day. PEP, or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, is emergency HIV prevention. Timing is crucial, so it’s essential to have a solid plan and know where to access PEP if needed. And let’s not forget about the potential negative side effects of PEP. It’s a powerful tool for emergency situations, but it’s not something to be taken lightly.

If you’re coupled up, have a heart-to-heart with your partner about PEP — how it works, when it should be used, and what to expect. Discuss your readiness to support each other in seeking medical care promptly if an exposure occurs. By having this discussion in advance, you’ll be better equipped to handle any unexpected twists and turns with confidence and clarity.

Treatment as Prevention (TasP)

I think it’s also vital to talk about Treatment as Prevention (TasP), a crucial strategy in the fight against HIV transmission. People with HIV who take their prescribed antiretroviral therapy (ART) maintain their health and don’t spread the virus to others. TasP works by significantly reducing the amount of HIV in the body, known as the viral load, to an extremely low level. This keeps the immune system robust and prevents illness, while greatly diminishing the risk of transmitting HIV through sexual contact. In fact, when someone with HIV consistently takes their medication, it helps them and their partners live long, healthy lives without passing HIV to their HIV-negative partners during sexual activity. This groundbreaking concept is often referred to as “undetectable equals untransmittable” (U=U) and has helped reduce stigma around HIV.

The importance of STI Testing

Of course, no discussion of safe sex would be complete without a mention of STI testing. Think of it as your passport to peace of mind — a simple yet powerful way to take control of your sexual health. So don’t be shy, my fellow bears. Get tested regularly. After all, knowledge is power, and there’s nothing sexier than a bear who knows how to take care of himself. Well, in that way, I mean. I am still a sucker for dadbods and chunky mature bears.

Roar with Confidence: Safe Play and Aftercare

In conclusion, gearing up for safe and playful encounters is all about being prepared, informed, and unapologetically confident in our choices. So, whatever way you are practising safe sex, make your health a priority, and make STI testing a regular part of your routine. Because when it comes to safe sex, there’s no such thing as being too prepared. So go forth, my fellow bears, and roar with confidence!

And speaking of enthusiasm, let’s not forget about pacing. Take your time, and don’t rush into things. Whether you’re exploring new territory or revisiting old favorites, it’s important to listen to your body and your partner’s cues. So don’t rush, savor the moment, and enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Last but not least, let’s talk about aftercare. After all the fun and excitement, it’s important to take care of yourselves and each other. Whether it’s cuddling up for some post-coital snuggles or checking in with your partner the next day, make sure to show yourselves some love and attention. After all, my friends, taking care of each other is what being a bear is all about.

So, safe play is all about being prepared, communicative, and respectful of each other’s boundaries. So remember to use barriers, get enthusiastic consent, take your time, and show yourselves some love and attention. Because when it comes to safe and playful encounters, there’s no such thing as being too careful. So go forth, my fellow bears, and roar with confidence!



Prism & Pen

Lenso: IT pro by day, creative wizard by night. Balancing writing, design, and work with a passion for bear-themed art. Love my hubby 🌈🐻