Behind The Velvet Curtains — a poem

beautiful boys with butterfly wings and dragon hearts

Prism & Pen


It is all bonhomie and camaraderie.
Drinking in gentlemen’s clubs
Sipping champagne is all part of the game.
Educated at the ivory towers.

These are stories woven only for their eyes to see.
They craft duplicitous lives.
Never should one trust their smiles, for it is all a guise —
irony torqued into works of art.

Private clubs and parties
Oh, they are ever so refined.
The beautifully cut suits are ever so debonair,
They live a life seemingly without care.

They love occasionally engaging with the trade: the rough with the smooth. It is their way of reconnecting with the earth.
Clandestine liaisons under dark streets light or in secluded woods and alleyways.

They speak secret languages, one that only they can understand.
They love their poetic verses and proses, partaking in the art, especially the avant-garde.
They have to be at the forefront, pushing culture forward.
They quote Shakespeare and believe they…



Prism & Pen

Interested in people, nature, science and technology, and history. MSc in Research Methods (Birkbeck), MA Industrial Design (UAL)